(contains cursing although blocked out)
violent videogames influence children to kill and hurt. I think this is pure 100% s***. If a parent really doesn't have the ability to actually teach a kid the fine line between reality and fantasy, why do they have kids? I was raised on violent games and some other stuff and I turned out to have 75% higher grades than jsut about everyone at my school, behave allot better, and not have the attitue "I can beat you up with my bare hands". Plus, I think it can boost's someones self confidence along with their ability to handle emergency situations. Also, if they are letting their kid buy these games with 13+ or higher on the box's label, why do they get it if they don't want their kids exposed to that kind of violence? It just shows how stupid they are to not look over the game just a little bit and instead just b**** to the companies and others that they saw their kids playing a game too violent then they would let them. I've played Doom since I was like 7 or 8 and knew that it was not ok to go around shooting people and stuff, and I see a bunch of these kids thinking they can beat anyone and everyone they see by themself. It's really stupid in my opinion. If they don't like their kid's playing these violent games, don't let them and atleast teach them not to and the fact that "just because in this game you can use a chaingun to rip someone up in to little tiny pieces that you are allowed to do that in real life".
have you played GTA3. well if you have listen to Chatter radio, or something like that. and you hear this woman ring in about this its really funny, she s that her son makes banana guns and ect, but i use games to vent anger, hell iv made some sweet ones with games factory where you can shoot my sister or some good friends of mine ;D BTW doom rules
All this from the guy that told me to use a poket knife/Necklace blade on a guy...
there all a bunch of money grubbers...they do stupid stuff so they can blame the companies and sue never see any normal families complaining it always the "white trash" ones...probably looking for beer money...
guess what? Most of the US agrees with you... WHICH IS WHY THE US ARMY made a shoot em up game themselves!! Why you say? Because it's a realistic game with realistic guns... so you learn alot about the guns and if you joined the military you'd have a greater understanding of certain things if you played their games....
I play a TON of shoot em up games myself, and I'd have to say the only bad thing that has come of it is causing me to understand lots of different guns. Which I see can be bad if you have an evil natured kid...
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
All this from the guy that told me to use a poket knife/Necklace blade on a guy...

never said I'd USE it. Only in self-defence am I willing to use it. Along with the full sized katana that stays hanging in my bedroom.
I've been playing violent video games since I was 4 (Mario WAS violent....poor Gombas), and look how I turned out :-D
In response to Dracon
Dracon wrote:
I've been playing violent video games since I was 4 (Mario WAS violent....poor Gombas), and look how I turned out :-D

...God help us all! =P

(The funnier part is that I'm not religious.)