In response to digitalmouse
Doesn't anybody else think digitalmouse is a Traitor? He thinks hes all better than us becuase he turned Nazi...
In response to digitalmouse
Buy them dinner! AHH! Thats a fate worse then death!(Hope you sense the sarcasm)

In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Doesn't anybody else think digitalmouse is a Traitor? He
thinks hes all better than us becuase he turned Nazi...

1) Nazi-jokes are making you look even more stupid each time you try to use them;

2) Considering there actually is a larger population of Neo-Nazi communities lying along the border of the U.S. and Canada than in Europe shows me you don't even pay attention to what's going on around you;

3) Again you babble before thinking - were I a real Neo-Nazi I would probably already have you beaten;

4) And yes, maybe I am a traitor in thinking that there is more to the world than just the U.S. - I am a proud Canadian/American, but living outside of North America has opened my eyes to the rest of the world - unlike you, Sariat, who persists in mouthing-off about things you know absolutely nothing about, I think a bit before I speak...

5) you're still young, so your kid-humor will be treated with kid-gloves... you will grow up eventually...
In response to digitalmouse
I must move to Europe.
In response to digitalmouse
3515, NW 27th ST, 76106, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, North America, Earth, Milkway

3rd house from the dead-end.
In response to Sariat
They were talking about a nazi in Europe LOL! It tried to kill the French President.......
In response to Semaj
Semaj wrote:
Canadian chicks are All-Right, if you want all-right chicks(Yes I'm not spelling it correct, its for the stressing affect =D). Japan/Southern Korea is my pic for hot chick countries. I don't really care about bustiness, its just a side bonus if they happen to be big in the chest, and don't say almost all Asian women don't have breasts, thats just a lie. I mostly prefer Asians because they usually are smart, and percieve information correctly most of the time, instead of you talking to another girl means your cheating so she has to cut off a certain part to get back at you.

One problem with Asian women -- at least the eastern ones -- is that they're often pressured to marry, though they're definitely very sweet and kind. Chinese and Japanese culture still places a more dominant role on males, which makes females have to find a role of acceptance. Naturally, of course, I'm speaking of their culture -- they're all very good people, but they don't have the same priorities as the population in North America. Of course, we have our own cultural problems (like rampant drug abuse!), so it all basically balances out.

It depends on how independent you like people, really. I like lots of independence: I think a woman that is outspoken and strong of opinion is a lot more alluring. =)

(One thing I've been wondering for a looooong time... why the switch to "Semaj" on the forums?)
In response to Spuzzum
Becuase of the FBI.
In response to Spuzzum
Thats a question for myself, it's just kind of an action when I realized I had this key, so now I use it. It is my dominant mudding name too, and I like seeing people say my real name is James by assumption, so I have a reason to correct them =D. Mainly, probably, it represents my huge transition from programming all the time, to lesser amounts and not as good as usual.(The name change that is) Oh yea, I started typing properly when I used this key, hehehehe.

In response to Super16
Super16 wrote:
They were talking about a nazi in Europe LOL! It tried
to kill the French President...

I don't know why 'it' tried to do that - atleast it's normal policy around here if the French President gets a blowjob from his secretary. If he didn't have extra-marital affairs, they'd think there was something wrong with him... and then try to get someone to kill him... :)
In response to digitalmouse
Shouldnt it be that way everywhere?
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
Shouldnt it be that way everywhere?

It is over here at least - it seems the U.S. is the one remaining country that gets its underwear in a knot when talking about sex and government. Well, Britain gets uptight a bit when the royalty gets 'loose', but they don't dwell on it for long...

Heck, I think Bush-baby should get laid more often - there would be far less trouble for him to make...

(oh, and when people here heard about Clinton's affair - most people said 'about time!', or 'bravo!')
In response to digitalmouse
Lol. Personnaly i dont think it was that big a problem what Clinton did, just that he lied repeatedly about it. They raised taxes on pretty much everything for a private citizen, and completely took out the business inventory tax where I live. Personnaly I am a republican, I know this becuase i took a test for it last year(I was damn near socialist), but private citizens often fair better under a democratic President. To bad the democratic party didn't have a better candidate for president last year. I'm only 15 by the way.
In response to Jotdaniel
I tend to be very anit-political in nature. My motto is usually "If voting actually changed anything - it wouldn't be allowed".

And this is proven by the current president. Ok, Gore wasn't exactly the best choice either, but he was a damn sight more intelligent than Bush, and dealt with issues that were important to the general public with logical arguments. Bush levered his personality on 'restoring honor to the Oval Office', but could not name key international heads of State in other countries.
In response to digitalmouse
Jimm after reading all your posts in the thread, it seems you reflect most europeans *Intellegent Life*. As for Sariat and the Nazi thing i would have taken it worse than you. Its very derogatory.

Also i wouldnt give Sariat the doubt of having 'kid' humour on a comment like that.

Anyway just my two cents.
In response to Gojira
Gojira wrote:
Anyway just my two cents.

Your comments were appreciated. Oddly enough, I'm really not a 'European' per-se: I was born in San Antonio, Texas, but spent most of my life growing up in Atlanta, GA (and, no Sariat, Georgia is not communist). I also lived in Boston, and near Durango, Colorado, and my family made it a point to go somewhere different nearly every year for vacation when I was younger - so my outlook on the world can seem to be a bit more 'open-eyed'... and no we are not wealthy - the majority of our yearly camping trips where done in an old 1970's-era Toyota Landcruiser and a big tent or used trailer-camper, using KOA campgrounds extensively. My family visited nearly everything worth seeing in the US, Canada, and upper Mexico, and I'm extending that tradition by being in Europe.
In response to digitalmouse
Gore scared me. He just plain scared me. I don't think he had anyones best interests in mind. He might have seemed like a good guy, but you democratic party has some of the worst criminals in america, congressmen dont get in trouble for breaking laws most of the time, usually only if it affects something big or if it comes out and looks bad for their respective party. Gore just did not seem honest about anything to me, I didn't care how bad Bush was I still wouldn't have voted for Gore, that is, if i were of voting age.
In response to digitalmouse
Been to London yet? ;)
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
Gore scared me. He just plain scared me. I don't think
he had anyones best interests in mind.

But he was the lesser of two evils in my opinion. But I don't vote anyway...

In response to Gojira
Gojira wrote:
Been to London yet? ;)

Only did a stop-over at the airport on the way to Germany, so, no, not yet.

But I promised the girlfriend we would go to London for a play or Opera around Christmas time...
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