In response to Spuzzum
In response to digitalmouse
You know what i said."Y'all shut up.So he had an affair.I dont give a [not acceptable language]."Who cares if he did cheat.My god,Its not like he killed someone.It went on forever about him.
In response to Jotdaniel
Ooooh... democratic criminals. Clinton smoked marijuana and perjured himself when forced to testify about his private life. Gore got caught breaking fundraising laws (I say got caught, because the way the political machinery works in Washington, no one gets elected to office without massive fundraising, and no one conducts massive fundraising without breaking the rules.)

Guess what Republican criminals do? They defraud employees and shareholders of major corporations (that is, innocent private citizens, like the adults here and your parents) of millions, perhaps billions of dollars. Of course, the way American justice works, marijuana laws are tougher than embezzlement laws and corporate accountability.

Now, you can say that Gore was a weasel because he tried to position himself according to the polls. What exactly is wrong with that? Am I the only one who doesn't get alarmed when a politician aims to please constituents? Far be it from me to endorse a dictatorship of the majority, but if a potential president didn't look at polls, it would be clear to me that he or she planned on following his or her agenda, regardless of how slim a majority he or she represented, if any. (Remind you of any current presidents?)

If it weren't for 9/11, Bush would go down in history books as one of the most mediocre presidents, if not the worst. If it weren't for Al-Qaeda, Bush would have happily gone through his 4 years trying to pretend the rest of the world didn't exist, damaging America's position in the world for years to come. If the war on terrorism wasn't constantly on the news, there would also be more focus on the job Bush is doing at home... and more people and organizations would feel free to voice their criticisms of him.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
If it weren't for Al-Qaeda, Bush would have happily gone through his 4 years trying to pretend the rest of the world didn't exist, damaging America's position in the world for years to come.

Thinking the rest of the world is wrong (e.g., the Kyoto agreement, or the International Criminal Court) isn't quite the same thing as trying to pretend it doesn't exist. (Though, granted, I'm jumping to conclusions here; you might be talking about something entirely different.)

If the war on terrorism wasn't constantly on the news, there would also be more focus on the job Bush is doing at home... and more people and organizations would feel free to voice their criticisms of him.

As far as I know, people and organizations are free to voice their criticisms of him. They may be holding back their criticism because they're leery of being criticized in turn, but to the best of my knowledge the American government isn't taking steps to punish political speech.
In response to Gughunter
I said feel free. No politician, and no organization dependent on public money or donations, wants to be accused of being un-American. During a crisis, we are supposed to rally around our leader. Voicing criticism of said leader is un-American. The man himself hasn't said so (in public and to my knowledge), but the Republican party in general has both implied and explied (I know this isn't a word, but why not?) so.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Funny how this went from girls (more accurately: relationships) to politics... must be related...
In response to digitalmouse
I have one word for Gore, the lock box =D.

In response to digitalmouse
In response to Lesbian Assassin
I never said Bush was a good guy, hell I never said the republicans were good people either. Republicans now are just as bad as democratics used to be.

On another point, if you can't raise the needed funds without breaking the law, should you really be a president?

(Note: I dont see a problem with smoking marijuana personnaly, and if its in the past it doesn't really matter anyway. But it wasn't Clinton's private life, he did it in his office for crying out loud.
Wow that sucks totally,she was really hot!But if i were you i wouldnt worry about it because if she would do that to you shes not worth it at all.You should go out and find someone better and then when she sees you all happy with the new girl then she will miss what she had...
In response to DragonMasterX
DragonMasterX wrote:
Wow that sucks totally,she was really hot!But if i were you i wouldnt worry about it because if she would do that to you shes not worth it at all.You should go out and find someone better and then when she sees you all happy with the new girl then she will miss what she had...

I got a new girl, named Brandi. I just hope she doesn't see me with her, last thing is needing a hoe following me.

well.. clear your mind of the anguish and personal vengeance.. act upon this with an open mind and without jealousy..

1 - Break it to his girlfriend gently when she is out of the hospital.

2 - Ask why your girlfriend was became wrapped up in infidelity
3 - Ask your friend how he could do such a thing, knowing that his girlfriend needed him/ knowing that she was your girlfriend/ and being your friend.

Problem solved.

sure you might not get your girlfriend back, but he wont keep his. And a relationship based on lies and deception can only turn sour. So sit back and enjoy. Revel in the soap opera they just made for themselves.

BTW, you would have done nothing. you merely tied them up with the crap they made.

In response to Dareb
They set their own noose and stuck their head through.

Your merely gravity in this situation
In response to Dareb
Can it Yoda.

In response to Dareb
well.. clear your mind of the anguish and personal vengeance..

sure you might not get your girlfriend back, but he wont keep his. And a relationship based on lies and deception can only turn sour. So sit back and enjoy. Revel in the soap opera they just made for themselves.

I'm confused. Didn't you just tell him to clear his mind of vengeance? If he's reveling in the soap opera, what was his motive if not vengeance?
In response to Skysaw
you dont have to be veangeful to enjoy the suffering of others its called sadism, and you can only attain extreme pleasure from the pain of others with a clear mind.

I for one enjoy both doing good things and doing bad things.. some bad things can be good, when done to deserving people. so long as they only ruin the quality of their life, and not destroy it
In response to Skysaw
I think Dareb saw a DBZ episode and was a bit fuzzed in the brain about becoming a Super Saiyan. Or he's just turned Yoda and wants to draw everyone to the "force".

In response to Dareb
I can't decide if you're more disturbed than you are merely confused.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you should seek professional help.
In response to Skysaw
I tried to get some but my psychiatrist starting shooting people saying "The anti-christ is born"

does this mean anything to you?
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
I tried to get some but my psychiatrist starting shooting people saying "The anti-christ is born"

does this mean anything to you?

I think it means I just won a bet.

Lummox JR
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