Whos watching it, I am watching it tomorrow.

I am gonna try to overcome my fear of watching the movie.
bump..since i was drowned by the xbox2 post
The only thing scary about that movie is paying to see it.
In response to ShadowSiientx
Thats not a reason to bump so fast.... I mean it was 8 minutes after you posted it, if nobody replies then nobody replies....

ShadowSiientx wrote:
Whos watching it, I am watching it tomorrow.

I am gonna try to overcome my fear of watching the movie.
shane-o-mac> well it wasnt even as the blair witch project and that wasnt scary
My therapist recommended the same thing, only to help me get over my fear of David Arquette.

So I found a new therapist.
In response to Shane-o-mac
wasn't even what?
It looks fairly entertaining to me... But I think I'll wait for the rental...

If you want a movie to get you over your fear of spiders... Arachnophobia is probably a better bet... And the rental is a lot cheaper than a trip to the movies...

Arachnophobia is better because it's more realistic... The spiders in this movie are the normal opposed to huge, mutant spiders that you can easily convince yourself are not real...

In fact, I'm not afraid of spiders (I'm the guy who gets picked to kill all of them for the this movie makes my skin itch just watching it...

So for shock therapy, Arachnophobia will give you the most effect...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
In fact, I'm not afraid of spiders (I'm the guy who gets picked to kill all of them for the

You have to alternate killing them with picking them up and setting them free outside, so the ladies see your sensitive side. Trust me.

In response to AbyssDragon
So they can bite me when I'm sleeping? Hell no, eat death spider!
In response to Sariat
You do realize that you kill more of them in your sleep than when you're They've done research that says the average person accidentally swallows all kinds of them in the course of a night... Like they're crawling around your mouth, and you just reflexively swallow them without ever consciously knowing
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Like the big ones? Oo

I heard that those spiders give you tartar in the morning (Heard it from some lady in the waiting room at the hospital oO)
In response to Sariat
I don't think you swallow too many of the big ones... Most of the big ones avoid us... Like Wolf Spiders and whatnot...

But there's all kinds of little ones crawling around just exploring that you end up swallowing...

Among other creepy-crawlers, of
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Yeah, I've seen that research, but it's not exactly "all kinds of..." I mean, I don't remember the numbers, but it's not, for instance, "three spiders in the course of an average night." It's more one of those things like, everyone will statistically, in the course of their life, swallow a few spiders while asleep.

Now, if we're going to be talking about invisible spider-like creatures and such, you swallow those everytime you lick your lips. They live on your skin, all the time. Some of them are parasites, others are there to eat the parasites. Neat, huh?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Yeah, I suppose it's probably not that common on a per-night basis... Unless you live in a house filled with the things...

As for the microbes... It is really neat that everyone has this little ecosystem living on (and in) their body at all times... In fact, don't they say that we'd die if we didn't have that coating of microorganisms on our skin?

And the cooler thing is that those organisms have even smaller creatures living on them...

It reminds me of the old poem/saying:

"Great fleas have little fleas
upon their back to bite `em
and little fleas have lesser fleas
and so ad infinitum."

In response to AbyssDragon
Hmm... Good point...

However, it's usually not my decision to kill them... The women specifically request that course of
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I always imagine that our microbes experience things (like the flexing of our fingers as we type) in terms of things like geologic ages...this kind of goes along with my theory that everything is sentient in its own frame of reference, but at the same time is an unthinking part of a larger whole that is itself sentient in its own frame. From their perspective, blood cells are just making the daily commute, or their annual migration, or whatever, or they're going in the direction they feel like going... from our perspective, they're an unthinking cog in the machine that is our bodies. We, as members of the human race, are just cells in a larger organism, if viewed from a different perspective.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Interesting thoughts... Also very possible...

Or, you could take the Hitchhiker's Guide route and say that we're all a part of the universe's most powerful computer, designed and built to calculate the ultimate question of Life, The Universe, and
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I hate spiders, they scare me. Still ive seen arachnaphobia 3 times, that movie doesnt scare me, spiders do. Anyway i just had my first full nights sleep in 3 weeks, I just had to rant about something, sorry i didnt rant longer.

In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Actually, if you read the whole series, you will see that we are the descendants of the insane and the undesirable members of a distant planet that ended up crashing on said computer and killing off the most important functioning parts thereof.
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