Hmm.. Anarchy Fantasy.... naw it sounds like a terrorism website.
P.S: Ronn were not fighting over you, were fighting under you.
Let me break this down in the Spanish language for you Sariat =).
¡Sariat apesadumbrado, este aint ninguna cuadrilla, su un PAÍS! La derecha de Thats, Anarchy posee una isla pequeña en el golfo de Mexico(AKA un océano muy sucio!) donde controlamos a 8000 personas y les decimos hacer las tareas menial para el teddy sin hogar lleva. So unless you want to be ran by homeless teddy bears, give up trying to be part of the gang. <<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
I dont' care who emails me... just as long as they are nice.... and give me oral... never mind... any who...
"I've lost more than my fiance, I've lost my soul"