Stimulus wrote:
What would you classify yourself as:

1.Anoying newbie
2.A quiet beginner to BYOND
3.Cool new kid
4.Intermeditate BYOND programmer
5.Lifeless person that seems to have been with BYOND forever
6.A BYOND veteran
7.BYOND Guru
8.Just some guy everyone hates

Well, I am really not sure what I would classify myself as. I am probably a mix between 4 and 8 ;)

All of the above.
Stimulus wrote:
What would you classify yourself as:

1.Anoying newbie
2.A quiet beginner to BYOND
3.Cool new kid
4.Intermeditate BYOND programmer
5.Lifeless person that seems to have been with BYOND forever
6.A BYOND veteran
7.BYOND Guru
8.Just some guy everyone hates
I'm going with 9-
Just some guy that can't finish a game and activly posts on the forum like he's a total bad-***.
In response to Airson
I'm a drunk pygmey

I am a 1
Stimulus wrote:
What would you classify yourself as:

1.Anoying newbie
2.A quiet beginner to BYOND
3.Cool new kid
4.Intermeditate BYOND programmer
5.Lifeless person that seems to have been with BYOND forever
6.A BYOND veteran
7.BYOND Guru
8.Just some guy everyone hates

As opposed to the masses of replies that have answers that are intended as jokes, I think I will reply honestly.

I feel that I fall within the lines of 2 and 3. I've only been with BYOND for 3 months, and only released one game. I tend to make a lot of talk on the forums, but nobody seems to really know me that well. Despite that, I feel that I have a fairly strong grasp on the DM language. In fact, I may even fall in the bounds of 8 according to a few forum-goers.

That's me in a nutshell - or some other kind of small condensing object. :P
Stimulus wrote:
What would you classify yourself as:

1.Anoying newbie
2.A quiet beginner to BYOND
3.Cool new kid
4.Intermeditate BYOND programmer
5.Lifeless person that seems to have been with BYOND forever
6.A BYOND veteran
7.BYOND Guru
8.Just some guy everyone hates

im definitely a 8 and 4.No doubt about it.
In response to Dareb
I consider myself number 3.Cool new kid, seeing as though I just came to BYOND and have made no enemies as of yet..
And just for the record, I too refer to people on the whole "kid".
9) The guy who made 8-Bit World that almost everyone loves, and everyone else hates. :)
Stimulus wrote:
1.Anoying newbie
2.A quiet beginner to BYOND
3.Cool new kid
4.Intermeditate BYOND programmer
5.Lifeless person that seems to have been with BYOND forever
6.A BYOND veteran
7.BYOND Guru
8.Just some guy everyone hates

Mostly #2, maybe a bit of #4 as well. :)
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