In response to SuperSaiyansElite
SuperSaiyansElite wrote:
LOL...lets split BYOND into two groups.Regulars and DBZers(yes i know im making one but im trying to revive it.besides its almost the original).Each side suicide bombs each other(idea from southpark episode with Sea Men(lol)).

I really hoped I wouldn't have to say this yet again. I don't like all this crap with "DBZer"s being seperate from the rest of the BYOND Community. Its bull shit. By singling out a group of people that like a show, and constantly making fun of them(Not saying you are SuperSaiyanElite) is cruel, and shows your immaturity. I could care less if this post had anything to do with this topic. I'm just sick and tired of all of it. You people think that anyone with a DBZ related name cant code or be of any use. And believe me, I could careless if you flame me for this, its my opinion, and I believe its the true.
In response to SSJ Radditz
I really never want to hear this crap again. The term "DBZer" refers to the pitiful ignorant people who talk in "leet" and "aim talk" while trying to steal code and ask people for the "code" to making a pbag. Nobody ever said DBZer refered to the entire DBZ community, just about 90% of it. So please, understand the situation fully before you try to act different and new, because what you just said is nothing different or new.

In response to SSJ Radditz
SSJ Radditz wrote:
SuperSaiyansElite wrote:
LOL...lets split BYOND into two groups.Regulars and DBZers(yes i know im making one but im trying to revive it.besides its almost the original).Each side suicide bombs each other(idea from southpark episode with Sea Men(lol)).

I really hoped I wouldn't have to say this yet again. I don't like all this crap with "DBZer"s being seperate from the rest of the BYOND Community. Its bull shit. By singling out a group of people that like a show, and constantly making fun of them(Not saying you are SuperSaiyanElite) is cruel, and shows your immaturity. I could care less if this post had anything to do with this topic. I'm just sick and tired of all of it. You people think that anyone with a DBZ related name cant code or be of any use. And believe me, I could careless if you flame me for this, its my opinion, and I believe its the true.

You know, Justin, I have to agree with you.

Everyone flames DZers, is it 'Wrong' to like a show? is it 'Wrong' to have a hobby? The people on BYOND, the so called 'guru's' Tend to make fun of the 'dbzers'.

I don't think thats called for, at all! By calling them dbzers, your making them get the impression they are useless unwanted, and a waste of air. In my opinion, anyone who calls someone and DBZer, can shove it up there ass. I have called people dbzers, but now i have realized i did wrong. I tend not to do it again, but for people that do it on a regular basis, are asses.

Do they think it makes them cool, calling someone down? Say one of the gurus like power puff girls, i call them Powerpuffy's all day or something. I'm sure they would tend to get alittle annoyed.

Just my 2 cents

ps. You reply otherwise, your goona get hit back 10x harder, cause i know everything about this conversation (DBZer=vs=Powerpuffy)
In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
I really never want to hear this crap again. The term "DBZer" refers to the pitiful ignorant people who talk in "leet" and "aim talk" while trying to steal code and ask people for the "code" to making a pbag. Nobody ever said DBZer refered to the entire DBZ community, just about 90% of it. So please, understand the situation fully before you try to act different and new, because what you just said is nothing different or new.


That was uncalled for, DBZers are people like you and me. They just got a hobby, that happens to be an anime. What's the problem with that? There ain't one.

Well maybe not so much like you, but more like me and the other 'noraml' BYONDers.

You just threw somthing you don't want the hear the phrase 'DBZers' again, because they talk 'Leet' and 'Steal code'

Have you actually took the time to meet any "DBZers"?
Alot of them are pretty cool, it's the odd one that steals code and talks in leet. DOn't get the impression from 5 or 6 DBZers on BYOND and judge everyone else. There is probably well over 1500 DBZers on BYOND right now. So think before speaking.

In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
Kusanagi wrote:
I really never want to hear this crap again. The term "DBZer" refers to the pitiful ignorant people who talk in "leet" and "aim talk" while trying to steal code and ask people for the "code" to making a pbag. Nobody ever said DBZer refered to the entire DBZ community, just about 90% of it. So please, understand the situation fully before you try to act different and new, because what you just said is nothing different or new.

That was uncalled for, DBZers are people like you and me. They just got a hobby, that happens to be an anime. What's the problem with that? There ain't one.

Kusanagi said nothing in that paragraph that hasn't been said before. The term "DBZer" does not refer to the entire population of DBZ fans, but only to the vast majority who have consistently shown an immature pattern of behavior. DBZers are so much alike they're interchangeable.

Well maybe not so much like you, but more like me and the other 'noraml' BYONDers.

You just threw somthing you don't want the hear the phrase 'DBZers' again, because they talk 'Leet' and 'Steal code'

Have you actually took the time to meet any "DBZers"?
Alot of them are pretty cool, it's the odd one that steals code and talks in leet. DOn't get the impression from 5 or 6 DBZers on BYOND and judge everyone else. There is probably well over 1500 DBZers on BYOND right now. So think before speaking.

You're not using the term correctly, Raekwon. Kusanagi was repeating a definition that's been oft-stated before. "DBZer" does not mean "DBZ fan"--it means the stereotype DBZ fan, i.e. one of the subset of losers. There are a few who don't fit that term.
And contrary to your stated opinion, it's not at all "the odd one" that fits the stereotype. Rather the opposite is true--it's the rare DBZ fan that isn't also a DBZer, but they do exist. And all this can be derived empirically, just by reading the forum posts of DBZ fans. Almost all of them are DBZers.

Lummox JR
In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
You know, Justin, I have to agree with you.

Everyone flames DZers, is it 'Wrong' to like a show? is it 'Wrong' to have a hobby? The people on BYOND, the so called 'guru's' Tend to make fun of the 'dbzers'.

You're missing the point of the term DBZer. See my other post--and reread Kusanagi's.

I don't think thats called for, at all! By calling them dbzers, your making them get the impression they are useless unwanted, and a waste of air. In my opinion, anyone who calls someone and DBZer, can shove it up there ass. I have called people dbzers, but now i have realized i did wrong. I tend not to do it again, but for people that do it on a regular basis, are asses.

But the DBZers are useless and unwanted--at least for the time being. (Some of them grow out of it, after all.) The people we actually would like to see more of are the fans who aren't DBZers, the ones who can function in a civilized manner despite their appalling lack of taste.
Heck, look at Cinnom and Ebonshadow. They're DBZ fans, but not DBZers. You're missing the crucial distinction, here.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
RaeKwon wrote:
You know, Justin, I have to agree with you.

Everyone flames DZers, is it 'Wrong' to like a show? is it 'Wrong' to have a hobby? The people on BYOND, the so called 'guru's' Tend to make fun of the 'dbzers'.

You're missing the point of the term DBZer. See my other post--and reread Kusanagi's.

I don't think thats called for, at all! By calling them dbzers, your making them get the impression they are useless unwanted, and a waste of air. In my opinion, anyone who calls someone and DBZer, can shove it up there ass. I have called people dbzers, but now i have realized i did wrong. I tend not to do it again, but for people that do it on a regular basis, are asses.

But the DBZers are useless and unwanted--at least for the time being. (Some of them grow out of it, after all.) The people we actually would like to see more of are the fans who aren't DBZers, the ones who can function in a civilized manner despite their appalling lack of taste.
Heck, look at Cinnom and Ebonshadow. They're DBZ fans, but not DBZers. You're missing the crucial distinction, here.

Lummox JR

I'm sorry to say that they got a hobby, weren't you a kid once?

In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
RaeKwon wrote:
Kusanagi wrote:
I really never want to hear this crap again. The term "DBZer" refers to the pitiful ignorant people who talk in "leet" and "aim talk" while trying to steal code and ask people for the "code" to making a pbag. Nobody ever said DBZer refered to the entire DBZ community, just about 90% of it. So please, understand the situation fully before you try to act different and new, because what you just said is nothing different or new.

That was uncalled for, DBZers are people like you and me. They just got a hobby, that happens to be an anime. What's the problem with that? There ain't one.

Kusanagi said nothing in that paragraph that hasn't been said before. The term "DBZer" does not refer to the entire population of DBZ fans, but only to the vast majority who have consistently shown an immature pattern of behavior. DBZers are so much alike they're interchangeable.

Well maybe not so much like you, but more like me and the other 'noraml' BYONDers.

You just threw somthing you don't want the hear the phrase 'DBZers' again, because they talk 'Leet' and 'Steal code'

Have you actually took the time to meet any "DBZers"?
Alot of them are pretty cool, it's the odd one that steals code and talks in leet. DOn't get the impression from 5 or 6 DBZers on BYOND and judge everyone else. There is probably well over 1500 DBZers on BYOND right now. So think before speaking.

You're not using the term correctly, Raekwon. Kusanagi was repeating a definition that's been oft-stated before. "DBZer" does not mean "DBZ fan"--it means the stereotype DBZ fan, i.e. one of the subset of losers. There are a few who don't fit that term.
And contrary to your stated opinion, it's not at all "the odd one" that fits the stereotype. Rather the opposite is true--it's the rare DBZ fan that isn't also a DBZer, but they do exist. And all this can be derived empirically, just by reading the forum posts of DBZ fans. Almost all of them are DBZers.

Lummox JR

I know dbzers from the dbz games ive made, i know atleast 90% of the dbzers, i still say it's the odd one, from what i seen. 3/4's don't even code. They just play games.

In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
I'm sorry to say that they got a hobby, weren't you a kid once?


Geez, RaeKwon. Are you really that slow? Didn't you even read Lummox's post?
In response to Kusanagi
Author: Geo
Date Added: 7/17/01
Status: Alpha (initial testing/development phase)
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Uhhhh, what is that? Seriously, I have no idea what this is. Can someone please tell me? (secretely calls in a small delta squad to eliminate Kusanagi)
In response to Geo
*Says in a droned out controlled voice*That never exsisted, Geo is a good programmer, rock on!*Short circuits to reveal the real Kusanagi* Hahaha, I showed that off, now for this stinky Delta Squadron!

In response to RaeKwon
Of course they don't code, thats why 80% of them rip off your game.

In response to Malver
Thats what I am starting to think, I think he just looks for any insulting information on that post then interprets it without reading anything else then replies. I noticed when we got into a fight last night, his reply to one of my longer posts was, "shut the hell up...", or something like that with a lot of periods. Most of the time he just keeps going on about something you already explained, its rather hard to have a word fight with someone who just keeps going on about the same thing and never has his/her mind changed.

Zilal - She's the one that taught me (and probably 2000 others) to code.

Spuzzum - Putting up with the evil "Newbie-Nadrew", that could make anyone a guru.

LummoxJR - He past me in coding skills in a week..

Lexy (Lesbian Assassin) - Great coding, great games, and great ideas. Also removed the DBZ-bug from me.

Deadron - Probably one of the best coders around this community.

Dan and Tom - Created the system, can probably create anything they want.

Ebonshadow - Great ideas, and great coder

Cinnom - Great coder

Gughunter - Great artist, and coder

Gazoot - Probably my best friend, and person that helps me with coding alot =P (in my stupid moments)

And alot more that I don't want to type.
In response to Kusanagi
Yeah, the game that RaeKwon ripped Graphics From Team Ebonshadow....yeah...that game.
In response to Sariat
I consider my self the off topic person in the world and I am a stupid newbie you see you see!!

Oh and don't forget about Old Theo!
In response to Super16
Theodis is a cool guy, I remember talking to him at like 2 in the morning while playing his capture the flag game.

In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
Thats what I am starting to think, I think he just looks for any insulting information on that post then interprets it without reading anything else then replies. I noticed when we got into a fight last night, his reply to one of my longer posts was, "shut the hell up...", or something like that with a lot of periods. Most of the time he just keeps going on about something you already explained, its rather hard to have a word fight with someone who just keeps going on about the same thing and never has his/her mind changed.


Never, ever, call a text arguement a fight.

I do look for somthing unsulting in a sentance, but with you, everything is insulting to me. Knowing your in my presenanse is insulting. You, being yourself, is insulting.
Damn, thinking about you is insulting.

In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Yeah, the game that RaeKwon ripped Graphics From Team Ebonshadow....yeah...that game.

Yeah, thats right. They made them. I forgot, there staff of rpgmaker. My Mistake!
In response to RaeKwon
Oh. The staff of RPGMaker gave you permission to use the icons too?
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