Looks like something to look down upon more of DBZers.(Only the ones who are filled with this sort of ignorant judgement that is.)

This was taken from Resident Evil[Powered by Text MUD]

Kusanagi joins!
[Player]Wilster: hey kus
Master yuri joins!
[Player]Wesker: ?
[Player]Zombie_Riper: whered deh map O.o
[Player]Wilster: ok
[Player]Wilster: Read the title SSJ
[Player]Wilster: It's a text game
[Player]Wilster: like the other one
SaiyanBrad joins!
[Player]Zombie_Riper: oh it sucks then
[Player]Wilster: bye then
[Player]Wesker: *Chuckle* I'm gonna have to put this on the forums.

Zombie_Riper's key was SSJ5Gogeta2k1, I found this quite humerous as to how he just judges the game because it has no map.

LOL..Text games are fun.There are a few that are my top 5 games
In response to SuperSaiyansElite
Same here, I find it sometimes to be much more fun when your forced to use your imagination, but then there are those, "I must kill all people on the mud!", where you can only trigger all day since theres like 15 rooms in the entire M.U.D., then you have some fruit next to you with super weapons who just signed on, but has an immortal friend.... Thats what is screwy with most M.U.D.s, they just don't care when an immortal beefs a mortal.
