I have a question for anyone who knows anything medical. Is it alright if every once in awhile (atleast once a day) my heart hurts very badly for a second or two, and right now it feels as if the entire insides of my body are just blood and there is no organs and stuff? It even feels as if theres a hole where my heart was, but atleast it is still beating, right now I feel as if I'm out of breath right after my heart hurt again and no matter how many times I breathe in and out it still feels as if my lungs are getting no air (they are, it just feels like I'm out of breath). It feels really odd, and hurts sometimes (that is when my heart hurts again), I think my caffeine intake is finally taking it's toll upon me.
I say that if it's bad enough that you felt the need to ask our opinion on it...then you should probably get it checked out...

Obviously it's not something minor enough to it could be something serious...

Of course I'm not qualified to give medical advice...but I think this is a good rule of thumb... Better safe than sorry...

Although I'd have to say I'm rather a hypocrite... I don't go to the hospital for I don't even take aspirin when I've got a I'm firmly of the "walk it off" school of thought...

Of course I don't think I've ever experienced the kind of trouble you've described... Especially once a day... That might be a bit more than just a passing pain...

Every once in a while, my heart makes a really strong and deep pump that almost makes it feel like it's dropping a few inches down my chest... But it only happens when I'm lying down, and not very often...

I'm not sure what causes it...but it's well beneath my worry I don't pay it too much attention...

However, I still feel the need to stress that your problem seems like it's a bit worse, and you might be better off to get some medical attention for it...

And of course, I'm not trying to worry you... Just urging you to be cautious...
Slap yourself... but seriously, go to Wal*Mart, get SSGX to hook you up with some discounts, and get it checked out at the pharmacy.
Sounds like you have a really high Cholesterol, or some sort of cancer even. I recommend strongly that you go to a doctor and get it checked out before it becomes something to really worry about.

What you are experience is Angina.

You do have a heart disease, a serious one im afraid.

Get a checkup, tell them whats going on, you may even be having mild heart-attacks.

Then again, you could also have athsma which causes similar disfunctions and could make you feel as if your (full of blood)

get checked out, hopefully you just have athsma.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
i dont get headaches strong enough to even think of using painkillers.

But i have an irritable stomache, so i Tend to stay away from red meats.
In response to Dareb
Don't worry him, sheesh, besides when did you get your degree in the medical area? Also, Asthma isn't something to hope for =/ even if its compared to "Angina". But really Dareb, don't just break him down something that serious without truly having a knowledge about diseases and symptoms. [EDIT] Angina isn't even a heart disease, it deals with the throat and creates an excruciating amount of pain, it has nothing to do with the heart almost.

In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
For you, although I'm not a doctor, I suggest getting an hours worth of exercise once a day for a week, then pick up a small hobby that deals with physical activity. I had something like that but it stopped when I got back into Tae Kwon Do going to it 3 times a week, and I took up bicycling as a major hobby. I havn't had that problem in a while, though when I went out of Tae Kwon Do the pain started coming back, so I bicycled more and it helped, but I was doing it like 3 hours a day to not get the pain, thats why I joined Jeet Kun Do classes and now I'm just fine. I think it had something to do with my diet at the time, 2 eggs a day every day for a couple years certainly wasn't helping :).

In response to Dareb
He could have heartburn, or he could have a messed up Heart Valve.
In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
Don't worry him, sheesh, besides when did you get your degree in the medical area? Also, Asthma isn't something to hope for =/ even if its compared to "Angina". But really Dareb, don't just break him down something that serious without truly having a knowledge about diseases and symptoms. [EDIT] Angina isn't even a heart disease, it deals with the throat and creates an excruciating amount of pain, it has nothing to do with the heart almost.


Um, why do you assume that he thought Angina was a heart disease. He obviously has some idea what he's on about.
In response to Da_Rushyo
Um, why do you assume that he thought Angina was a heart disease.

Probably because he said:

What you are experience is Angina.

You do have a heart disease, a serious one im afraid.

He obviously has some idea what he's on about.

That may be obvious to you, but the rest of us aren't so sure.
In response to Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker wrote:
He could have heartburn, or he could have a messed up Heart Valve.

If I were betting, I'd guess it's heartburn, which (as far as my limited medical knowledge goes) is when stomach acid backs up into a place that isn't desensitized to it. It's worth getting checked out to be sure.
In response to Kusanagi
cancer is highly unlikely, cancer causes MASSIVE ammounts of pain and then you die. When the pain starts, he would KNOW he had cancer, and on top of that, he would have a cold spot in his body really deep down, whe spot would be soft and kind of squishy, but would hurt very badly when pressed, that would be a tumor.

I highly doubt this is anything more that mild athsma, an onset of pneumonia, or an allergic reaction. I get those kind of symptoms when I'm around a cat. I hate cats, because I feel like my insides have popped like a water baloon and I feel like I've become a sac of water.

HOwever, these clear up immediately, I'd advise going to two different doctors, and then getting both of their opinions, sounds like a scetchy illness. They may screw up, that's why I say two.
In response to Gughunter
It sounds like that to me, too. The breathing problem could be a panic attack, which makes sense if he's really worked up over the pain in his chest.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
yeah, I have panic attacks all the time, whenever I get around large groups of people, I start shaking uncontrollably, then my body starts to mess up, my temperature will rise, my heartbeat triples, and then I either A: Pass out, B: Go histerical and start crying and babbling (I feel like I've lost consciousness), or C: Start screaming and swinging my fists. I hate people, the stench they exude makes me choke on my own breath. But I guess I'm too up tight about things at times, I'm pretty loose about everything else, but it's people that I freak out about.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
cancer is highly unlikely, cancer causes MASSIVE ammounts of pain and then you die. When the pain starts, he would KNOW he had cancer, and on top of that, he would have a cold spot in his body really deep down, whe spot would be soft and kind of squishy, but would hurt very badly when pressed, that would be a tumor.

Ugh... you know as much about cancer as you know about superhero power oppositions. There are three things wrong with this:

1. When the pain starts, he would KNOW he had cancer

That is patently untrue. You know when you have headache, you know when you have chest pains, you know when you've got an ache in your bones, but nothing about the pain (even the degree of it) will tell you why you feel the pain. There's not such a sensation as "I have cancer." People who don't go to the doctor to get a diagnosis will die from cancer without ever knowing what's causing the pain. On the same subject, some people with cancer never experience more than discomfort from the tumor. Not the majority, of course, but it's possible. Just depends on where the tumor is situated and how exactly it's interfering with bodily functions.

2. he would have a cold spot in his body really deep down

I somehow missed this on the List Of Cancer Warning Signs No One Should Ignore. Why don't they teach this in health class? Why don't cancer screening commercials mention this? Again, I suppose this symptom is possible, depending on where the growth is situated, but it's by no means a universal means of cancer self-detection.

3. whe spot would be soft and kind of squishy, but would hurt very badly when pressed, that would be a tumor.

Again, information that's not going to be universal. Not every cancerous growth is going to be in a spot that can be pressed. If we're talking about the lungs or heart in Geo's case, how would you press on a lung tumor?
In response to Kusanagi
while i dont have a degree i do have an incredible knowledge of human anatomy and diseases. there are subjects in the medical profession i know that some doctors never even hear of.

Im not about to waste 8 years of my life to be able to prescribe pills to people. and while im not licensed to do so, in emergencies i WILL give surgery. If its to save someones life id be willing to accept whatever ridiculous consequences the law could dish out to me.

(for those of you who want to know what kind of emergency id operate under here it is )

Under the unlikely event that No hospitals are around and that no doctors are nearby, and having no time to find one I will perform any kind of surgery required to preserve life.

In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
while i dont have a degree i do have an incredible knowledge of human anatomy and diseases. there are subjects in the medical profession i know that some doctors never even hear of.

Im not about to waste 8 years of my life to be able to prescribe pills to people. and while im not licensed to do so, in emergencies i WILL give surgery. If its to save someones life id be willing to accept whatever ridiculous consequences the law could dish out to me.

(for those of you who want to know what kind of emergency id operate under here it is )

Under the unlikely event that No hospitals are around and that no doctors are nearby, and having no time to find one I will perform any kind of surgery required to preserve life.

So scary, yet so profoundly funny. Thank you.
In response to Dareb
My roommate is the same way. By that I mean, wildly delusional.
In response to Ter13
I used to have panic attacks as a kid, I have always been able to bring my tongue to the back of my nose and my throat (overdeveloped tongue muscles)

I can press against the back of my throat and feel the muscle tissue and spinal cord. up further is a rigid tissue which produces phlegm.

Well, when i first did this i thought the rigid tissue was my brain and i thought it was falling, also when i first touched my spine i thought my neck was breaking :D

One strange panic attack was where i felt so damn strange.. I fealt as if my entire existance was being compromised I had to stare into the mirror for an hour just to reassure myself.
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