In response to Dareb
It's because she was raised there, did I not say she came from Boston?

In response to Kusanagi
exactly and i said the reason you got sick is because its all in your head..

then you said it happened to your brothers too.

and thus the cycle of logic begins.
In response to Dareb
It also happened to my sister, and I got sick before my brother, thats an assumption you took there Dareb that my brother got sick first :).

In response to Kusanagi
and you got sick because they got sick, thinking the food was bad.

like i said, all in the head.
In response to Dareb
even though things have a physical effect, it can still be all in your head.

mind over matter can both work for and against you
You know, some people on the internet might say your dieing just to scare the hell out of you(im not saying its any of you), so just go get a check up.
In response to Dareb
Like I said, I got sick before them, please read the entire thing next time Dareb.

In response to Kusanagi
whether you got sick after or before them doesnt change what i said to make it any less true.

You got sick because you thought you would get sick, and then they got sick because they thought they ate bad meat.

Please read the whole thing
In response to Dareb
I never said I thought I would get sick though, I never knew I would. I was only 8 at the time for God's sake.

In response to Dareb
erm... dareb... this isn't the matrix... YOu know reality is reality, it has rules, and some things can't be done by mind over matter...

A 60 year old woman lifted a thousand pount tractor off of her husband once... And you know why?

NOT mind over matter. The adrenaline in her body was released to keep her from breaking down, she tried to help feeling the surge of need, and then lifted the edge of the tractor enough to allow her husband to crawl out. Adrenaline surged into her muscles and gave her the littlest ammount of strength, the dire need to save her husband's life was the only thing that she needed. She pushed her body up to her limit, and her limit was farther than she thought, so she says it was a gift from god, a miracle.

NO. She could have done this before, you see, she wasn't lifting a thousand pounds, she was lifting a little over 450 pounds, which was just the corner, now I can lift 450 pounds up to my waist level, you know why? because you can drag 5 times the ammount you can carry, you can lift twice the ammount you can carry up to your waist, and you can lift how much you can carry over your head. Basic human strength, it's always the same, just how much they can carry is the variable.

She could have done this any day of the week, but there wasn't a tractor on her husband before that day.

Mind over matter is a stupid principle, rather the matter you speak of is your own self doubt. And that is no matter, you have just been taught you can't do something, so you don't think you can. Mind over matter does not exhist, what you call mind over matter is just being able to make a feat of strength or toughness that you could have done any day of the week anyway.
In response to Ter13
ive experienced far too much to believe you.
In response to Dareb
Heh... I've had blistering sunburns before...

The first time was my forehead... But it didn't require medical attention...

Then one 4th of July, I was outside (mostly in our pool) for a good 8 hours... I don't think I ever had any sunblock on (or if I did, it had long since worn off)...

Anyways, my entire back had blistered so badly that I couldn't bear to put a shirt on... That was the only time I've ever called in "sick" to work... (I once worked a full day with a sinus infection induced headache that nearly caused me to pass out everytime I stood up from a

But even than it wasn't bad enough to get me to seek medical attention...

I've heard stories of roof layers that have been burned so badly from the sun that the skin actually charred (technically a third degree burn)...and the hospital had to scrape off the burned skin... Now I don't know if I could handle

I can actuallly only think of two times I've had to go to the emergency room... Once was in elementary school when I was hit in the eye with an ice ball in a snow Had to get some medication dropped in and wear a patch for a day... That sucked...

The other time was getting a fish hook stuck in my elbow... The funny part was that it happened at We had a lure that was out of its package hanging on the corner of a sign next to the register in Sporting Goods (to keep it out of the way of customers, so no one would get

Anyways, I was handin someone their change, but had to stand over to the side to allow the accounting associate to pull the extra money from my drawer... When I broguht my arm back down, I brought it right down on the hook of this lure...

Of course everyone looking gasped in But I hardly felt it... In fact, my first action after getting it loose from the sign was to look for some pliers to pull it

The barb was buried, so I was all prepared to just grab soem wire cutters, and cut the hook off and shove it the rest of the way through... But management insisted that I go to the emergency room to have it removed and file a workman's comp The worst part of the whole thing was the sore arm from the tetanus In fact, it almost seemed as if it hurt everyone else more than it hurt me, judging from their

Other than those two situations (which weren't even my decisions) I've never been to the hospital as a patient (well, except for when I was

Perhaps I'm just lucky enough to not ever get badly injured... I've never broken a bone, I've never cut myself beyond what I could bandage myself, etc...

Not that I've lived a really cautious life, either... I've had quite a few bicycle wrecks, I've fallen out of trees, I've been banged, bruised, and battered... Just never

A small apology to anyone who sees this as useless bragging... I mean, it essentially is... But I don't really mean it that
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