Way Of The Shinobi

by Axerob
Way Of The Shinobi
4.0 in progress - Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/y7HDuBD
Make suggestions for balances here.
add Lava style : rasenshuriken
Tai Gaara's stun lets you get like 3-4 hits in, maybe shorten stun time or increase chakra cost for stuns?
Actually its 2-3 hits in that stun(excluding taisou and sousou)which tai and nin can use. 128 palms, ice stun and nara are ones you should focus on pls
4 people in a squad, not 3 pls
nerf jutsus drain chakra
could add jutsu mastery % each time you gain a % you get some exp, add a mini event/challenge to were it depends on your score for how much exp you get low, medium, and high could add a log where it gives both nin and tai but it gives like 20 or 30% less