In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
Actually you have to clean cats every now and then no matter what, you don't actually think their saliva is made of soap do you? Cats are a nice pet, I should know because I have 2 of them, and have lived through 3 dogs in my life, 2 of which were born before me and 1 which is only about 5 years old now. I have to say cats can be good since they are small and usually don't have give you bathroom problems since they get used to the litterbox quick, but they can be a real problem with breaking things(especially pulling shelves out from your walls). Dogs go to the bathroom anywhere when they really have to, they consume a lot more food then cats and require being cleaned more often, but they don't tear up your house so I must say they are the better choice.


Cats don't hump other cats.
Cats don't bark at the mail man scareing him/her away.
Cats can [use] a littler box.
Cats can take care of themselves

<font color=red>Last warning, Rae. You've stepped over the line far too many times around here for me to look the other way when you swear, which has already been established as against the rules.</font>
In response to RaeKwon
Get a Ferret! Properly fixed and de-scented, the make wonderful pets - far more entertaining that dogs or cats, I believe (I've had all three).

My Dinsdale use to make a great pet for picking up girls at bars (in my younger days). They love to play and race around and play-fight with thier owners and cage-mates (if there are any).

They are also great snugglers - I never needed a heavy blanket because Dinsdale was the perfect bed-warmer.

The only bad side is maybe that they are a bit more work to take care of that dogs or cats - they are truely domesticated so they cannot take care of themselves in the wild...
Ugh, that's definitely terrible. :(

I've got a cat too, a male simese named Simba. He's 5 years old now, and I honestly think that he has some kind of mental disorder or something. o.O

When I'm sitting on my chair here in front of the computer, he occassionally strolls into my room and bites my ankle...hard. I pet him and feed him and love him, but he still somehow finds my ankle quite delicious.

I also have a dog (on my little sister's request ~_~), which I also believe suffers from some kind of mental problem. My dog chases my cat all around the house, and then my cat chases the dog. They seem to take turns being afraid of eachother, or something.

Anyway, I honestly am sorry for your loss, but every kitty in the world eventually goes to that litterbox in the sky. :(
Sorry bout your kitty. I got 2 kitties. There names are Smokey and Sooner.

that is cat is 4 or 5 years old.Been run over like 3 just cant die....


the oldest ive heard a cat live for (healthy) is 16!!!

and after the age of 12 i consider a cats lives to be compromised.

In the last 21 years of my life the immediate family has had

7 cats and 2 dogs.

in order.. Tasha, Tasha, Patches, Gizmo, Dusty, Whisky, Lynx.

and Terra, then Brock.

I myself want an animal that will outlive me, I want a companion like myself. But since angels cant be pets ill have to think of another.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
I myself want an animal that will outlive me, I want a companion like myself. But since angels cant be pets ill have to think of another.

Well when resurrection of the dead becomes possible I'm sure Hitler will be available as a loving companion.

In response to Kusanagi
hitler wont be ressurected, hes in hell getting pineapples shoved up his ass. havent you ever watched the documentary called little nicky?

And for the last time Im not hitler at all, if anything im kinda like Lenin, Caesar, and God we all want the world to be shaped in our image :D
In response to Dareb
Just like Hitler.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
A dog only likes its owner because it sees him/her as its superior in the "pack"... A cat likes it owner just because... I like that too... Not just a blind follower...but more like an equal...

I have to agree. Dogs are incapable of rendering judgement. If a cat likes you, it means something. You rate.

I've only known my cat since she was four, so it's definitely not a matter of a kitten imprinting. Even though she's known the other two people in our apartment longer than I do, she gets along the best with me, because I'm the only one who treats her as an equal in kind.
I don't see how this thread came down to which pet is better, whoever did it, shame on you! This was about my freind dieing. He was there from the time i was born, up till yesterday. He was there by my side every step of the way 'includeing crawling and sufficating me in my baby bed'.

I was so sad when i found somone stole him, kicked the [snot] out of him, and took him to the vet. I found out today what happened to him, i asked for information on who brought him / kicked the [snot] out of him. They said thats 'classified' So i flipped, they said they will phone later on with the information about who did it, and who brought it. But, they did not phone. I think tommorow, i'll pay them alittle visit.

In response to Punkrock546
My cats name was Raskel. We have one left, a maincoon. Pure bread in other words 'gental giant'. His name, is clyde. I want a female and name it bonnie. But heh, people wont sell one!
In response to Malver
My cat DOES have a mental problem. Hes slightly retarded (thats how the vet put it) hes the nicest cat in the world though. Up until about a month ago (hes about 3 i think) hed never hissed at anything in his life, and he just started hissing at things. Hes a really big tom cat (bout 20 pounds, but not fat). The funny thing is He'll sleep with our dog. Theyll just curl up and sleep together. kinda funny. Not gonna tell you the other things my animals do, not suitable for the forum =)
In response to RaeKwon
Animals have rights and emotions too, shame on you jerks out there who think otherwise. Thinking something is less than you merely because of what humans accomplished as a whole.

We havent accomplished a whole lot. in fact weve gone backwards.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
We havent accomplished a whole lot. in fact weve gone backwards.

Please, do explain.

In response to Alathon
While it appears as though weve expanded and advanced, it is merely in tools and technology..

We are destroying the world around us with our creature comforts and absolute ignorance in everyday life.

Im proud to say im discontent with technology as a whole.

However i do like some technologies we now have available

Solar Power
Cold Fusion (it has yet to supply adequate energy, but its been stabilized)

And Entertainment technologies.

And yet we make technology a tool of war and destroy things around us.

We have gone backwards, and are destroying the world.

People should just have a world order where all countries as they are stay as they are, no new forms of government, no area expansions. no wars. no invasion penalty of ostricization.

If this most peaceful approach fails to succeed, human beings as a whole do not deserve existance.

I feel nothing but absolute guilt anger and mourning when thinking of the human race
In response to Dareb
Its Eve's fault.
In response to Dareb
In response to FuZzY DiCe
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