I am going to ozzfest tomorrow, in Indianapolis. Has anyone else been to ozzfest this summer?
My mom wouldn't let me, but I'm gonna get the CD.
FIREking wrote:
I am going to ozzfest tomorrow, in Indianapolis. Has anyone else been to ozzfest this summer?

Presumably, because playing to empty venues for weeks and then playing to just one person is a bit of a waste. Not that I think Ozz is in any shape to notice.

Lummox JR
In response to Lord of Water
Of course she wouldn't let you! What kind of a person would let there child see a wasted man in a dress rip the heads off bats? (Sorry to all Ozzy fans but he just scares me :'( )

In response to DBHavenMaster
the closest Ozzfest ever got to me was Shreveport, LA. If i had the chance i would definately go, im a big metal fan.

In response to DBHavenMaster
In response to Jotdaniel
Heh. The funny part is, when Ozzy is clean, he's actually a *very* nice person. He's friendly, intelligent, and funny. He likes to act stupid, and then all of a sudden he'll come out and say something that makes peoples' heads spin. =)

I'd never go see him in concert or anything, though. That's just creepy.