RELICS- can be found commonly in dungeons, albeit with different rarities.
Turtle shield (semi-rare. only found in Deep sea)- Enables the user to create barriers and provides a boost to defense?
Black Ring (Rare) - Gives the user invisibility while worn.
Crown of Spirits (Ultra Rare) - Gives the user the ability to see Angels and demons as well as attack them. However, it also makes them as invisible as any angel/demon would be.
Helm of thought (Semi-Rare) - Allows the user to hear the thoughts of others.
Third eye (Super Ultra Rare) - Give the user foresight and the ability to dodge attacks with greater ease, as well as the power of mind reading. (Evasion or something)
Old piece of wood (Semi-Rare. Piece of wood from an old boat) - Gives the user ability to Kappa dive.
Cape of Demons (Super Ultra Rare) - Grants the user demon wings (small power boost)
Cape of Angels (Super Ultra Rare) - Grants the user Angel wings (small power boost)
CURSED RELICS - Only one of each cursed Relic can exist at any time. If one is destroyed, then it either reforms elsewhere or is destroyed forever.
Ring of Thorns - The ring can only travel in one direction, once it is on the finger; it can only be removed by removing the finger and sliding it off the bloody stump.
the ring will periodically absorb Health in order to give a greater boost in power (power varies from 5-10)
Necklace of Immortality - You already know this one :P
Crown of eternal memory - When worn the user is able to experience every living memory Past and present. (can be used to gain needed knowledge?).
It will often send the user insane, or overload their brain and cause them to die from shock.
The Existence eater - It is a bracelet that causes a massive increase in power, has a 95% chance of the user instantly dieing.
If they survive, their existence is eroded by the bracelet over time (Literally a few days) until they simply dissapear (No revival is possible)
Twinned Rings - Two rings that when worn by seperate people, will link them; both emotionally and physically. When one feels pain, so will the other. If one dies, both die.
If someone attempts to wear both, they will find their pains and emotions doubled. For an extra boost in power.
SPECIAL RELICS - Like Cursed relics, only one of each can exist at one time. Power varies, not necessarily powerful relics; simply unique.
Sword of Etherion - Sword created by an old hero, in a time before the wars. Grants the user greater power than the Suneik sword and can create powerful beams of light.
The Necklace of Dragons - A small draconic necklace, created with a dragons blood and bones. Grants the user dragon wings and the ability to breathe fire.
Queens Trident - Trident of the Deep Sea Queen. As well as granting Kappa dive, the user is able to call Kappa soldiers to assist them.
Morgrims Skin - Skin of an ancient bear king. Grants the user ability to call bears. (Figured you'd need one for Bear master? Also one for wolf and Lion)
Sandras Skull - The skull of an ancient queen, hidden deep beneah the earth in a long forgotten crypt. She was cursed to live eternally, but rot away as any other would.
All thats left is a thinking talking skull.
String of Transference - A simple piece of string that seems to have no other qualities besides being string. However, when used by one with the knowledge.
It is possible to transfer power from one to another by tieing the string around their wrist and absorbing their energy.
SPECIAL ARMOUR IDEA'S - These are armours either created by another immortal (Such as a vampire) or by a human. Immortal armours are not armours that grant immortality, rather are armours created by an immortal.
Armour of the Dragon (Immortal Armour - Only one exists) - This armour is physical and must be put on, can also be destroyed; if that happens it must either be repaired
or dissapear forever. The armour itself grants dragon wings and the ability to breath flames, much like the draconic Necklace. However it also grants a larg boost in power (20-25)
Armour of the Phoenix (Immortal Armour - Only one exists) - This armour is physical and must be put on, can also be destroyed; if that happens it must either be repaired
or dissapear forever. The armour grants the user the ability to wreath themselves in flame and regenerate wounds. While the armour is intact, the user is essentially invulnerable.
Also gives a power boost (15-20)
Armour of the Unicorn (Immortal Armour - Only one exists) - This armour is physical and must be put on, can also be destroyed; if that happens it must either be repaired
or dissapear forever. The armour grants the user the ability to heal others with ease and the ability to charge (Bull rush, horn first). Power boost (20-25)
Armour of the Vampire (Immortal Armour - Only one exists) - This armour must be created by a living vampire and only after many years of studying pages and experimenting with Relics.
Grants the user a few new abilities afforded to a vampire, the first is the ability to imitate those they have consumed and the second is the ability to walk through shadows.
Power boost (15-20)
Armour of the Grey (Mortal Armour - Multiple exist but are rare to find, knowledge to create more has been lost) -
This armour is unique in that it is created by humans in the past and can be used along side Guardian or Reaper armours. Power boost (5-10)
Deep Sea Armour (Kappa Armour - Multiple exist, slightly less rare to find) - Armours created by Kappas of the past, they can only be worn by a Kappa or by one who holds the Deep Sea Trident.
Power boost (10-15)
Armour of the leviathan (Kappa Armour - Only one Exists) - Armour created by a kappa queen of the past.vCan only be warn by a Kappa and grants the abilitys to summon Kappa soldiers.
![]() Aug 14 2015, 4:13 pm
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