ok, it seems while I decided to actually look at the games in the games live section, I find there are many exact duplicates of my long gone, scrapped project "Monster World". That game should not be up in the games live. I took it down for a reason and would now like to see it stay down. There is just one more thing which is my biggest problem. How did they manage to get the code since it is deleted off of my hard drive and any discs it may have been on?
Were you working with anyone?
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Were you working with anyone?

No. It was totally done by me. The original title was Monster World: The Pets.
In response to Garthor
they had probably made an exact copy, but even so, you own the game you have absolute say over what happens to it.
In response to oshane
oshane wrote:
they had probably made an exact copy, but even so, you own the game you have absolute say over what happens to it.

no, I actually went into one. it had the exact same icons and everything, even the coding was the same, just had more stuff.
In response to Geo
MWstaff are responsible
In response to oshane
oshane wrote:
MWstaff are responsible

Lauren also seems to have one on his/her hub.
In response to Geo
what are you going to do about it?
In response to oshane
what are you going to do about it?

That is the problem
I would suggest contacting them and politely explaining that Monster World is your project and you would appreciate it if they would stop using the name, icons, and code, and also ask them where they got it from.

You're well within rights to be angry, but since there's not much you can do, try niceness first.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Putting niceness on a thief is like putting tar on a zit. It's just going to make things worse.
In response to Mertek
"TAKE IT DOWN NOW OR I'LL SUE YOU!" guarantees they won't take it down unless and until you actually get the resources to sue them. If Geo explains his position, as a game creator talking to other potential game creators, he stands a better chance then if he starts out belligerent.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
You have a point, but "TAKE IT DOWN OR I'LL SUE YOU!" definitely has more comic value. Please feel free to cuss me out for my lack of seriousness on this issue.