In response to Sariat
I know that I look like Antonio Banderas, thanks for the compliments. *blows a kiss to the audience*
In response to Sariat
Well, who do I look like?
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Well, who do I look like?

a cross between michael jackson and gary coleman
In response to Sariat
I used to have really long hair and a beard, and people used to say I looked like Bob Segar, Jim Morrison (the scruffy years), and a fat Jesus. Once, when my family and I were leaving Universal Studios, some guy started yelling 'Hacksaw! Hey Hacksaw Jim Duggan!(sp?) at me. (He was a wrestler from quite a while ago who used to carry around a big piece of two-by-four.) I still hear about that from my wife.
I don't think I look like anyone famous...and no one's ever tried to convince me

Although my mother said that I look like she thinks an older Harry Potter would Before they cast the movies, she said that I should get the Even though I'm too old for the role...

I suppose I see the resemblances... But I'm not a skinny, black haired kid in glasses... I'm a medium-built, dark blonde kid in
In response to Sariat
You look like a "This Page Cannot Be Displayed" page!

In response to Jacro
Jacro wrote:
Mousey you look like Tim curry 0.o

Well, I guess that's not such a bad thing - I like some of his movies... I've certainly be compared to worse people (during my more beligerent days).

In response to Zilal
Zilal wrote:
I've been compared to Nancy Kerrigan, Sigourney Weaver and Geena Davis, but I don't think I look all that much like any of them. (What do you think?)

Now, see... The proper response was to be a smartbutt and say "We think we're falling in love with you, Z". Until this:

I have a strange flatness to my face that reminds me of the woman who played Ivanova on Babylon 5, though.

You should of known her name is Claudia Christian. Not geek enough, lady. Not geek enough.

...Er, wait. Do you have the uniform?
In response to ACWraith
Zilal wrote:
I have a strange flatness to my face that reminds me of
...Ivanova on Babylon 5, though...

Only when she wears Barbecue-flavored makeup, though... :)
In response to Flick
Flick wrote:
I used to have really long hair and a beard, and people used to say I looked like Bob Segar, Jim Morrison (the scruffy years), and a fat Jesus. Once, when my family and I were leaving Universal Studios, some guy started yelling 'Hacksaw! Hey Hacksaw Jim Duggan!(sp?) at me. (He was a wrestler from quite a while ago who used to carry around a big piece of two-by-four.) I still hear about that from my wife.

LOL!!! I remember him!!!
In response to Orochi p_fish
Jay from Jay and Silent Bob.
In response to Zilal
The link works for me, jiggah!
People say I look like the creepy thin man from
Charlies Angels

You know, that father in Back to the future.
and a co-worker on the movie People vs. Harry Flint
In response to Orochi p_fish
In response to Sariat
good now i have a picture to tie to the voodoo doll :D
In response to Foomer
When my brother went to a strip bar he won the loser contest..

His excuse was he hadnt had sex in 6 years and cant hold down a job.

He was announced as Shanon Devito
In response to Foomer
People say i look like people but truth is, i dont see the resemblance..

Im me, Handsome, intelligent, Stubborn, Prick, ME
In response to Branks
the MIGHT be refering to gas problems
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