I have afew questions about visual basic. For 1
What's the command to make somthing sleep.
for instance:
sleep 1
What is it in Visual Basic?

Also, i got this
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Text = InputBox("Age?", "Age")
MsgBox ("Hey there!")
End Sub

Now, what if i want it to say in the Text1 section
Your Age: [age they entered]?

Next question.

In the Text1 box, if its long the bar auto-scrolls over and you cannot see the writing before it, example:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Text = "ttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssttttttttttt"
MsgBox ("Hey there!")
End Sub

How would i make it, if it goes from the left to the right, it jumps to a line below?


Although this is 'Off-Topic', you'll probably hear from other people here that discussion about other programming languages is something that should be taken up in forums about those languages, and not in BYOND. I can give you a list of VB links to forums if you would like to pursue this further.

That said, from what I remember of VB form editing, you gotta set the size of the text field manually - taking into account the max possible size. Although I'm sure there are dynamic tricks to change the size of the text field during run-time, I haven't the foggiest idea what they are at the moment...