In past posts weve covered what we all like... But whats the worst thing youve ever eaten in your life?

One time when my girlfriend had a cold, and i mean a horrid cold.. She was placing her napkins in her milkshake .. (she was done it) well, she never told me, or i never saw it, and i took a swig..

Needless to say, i made an offering to the porcelain god.
I once taste Ear wax, I was stickin meh pencil in my ear then put the eraser in my mouth...

as sariat says NASTAH
In response to Jacro
Jacro wrote:
I once taste Ear wax, I was stickin meh pencil in my ear then put the eraser in my mouth...

as sariat says NASTAH

Why is my name in 1/2 of all the posts?
Does getting a toy plastic sword (I think it was an orange, light-up He-man sword) shoved down your throat by your brother count as eating it, even if you take it back out?