What should we do about the

Give the park police more ammo.
I don't think that your post is appropiat on the forums. In fact, I don't even think it should even be be on the forums. That's just messed up. Think again before posting stuff. What if you were homeless? That's what I thought.

*Has Vision Where He Rules The World And All The Homeless Are His Slaves*,*Wakes Up*, I don't know *Has Another Thought* Do They Taste Like Chicken? *Vision* "Get Your Fresh Hobo Meat, Nice And Lean, Nice And Lean, Get Your Hobos Here At WalMart"

Sorry, I'm Huungry.
In response to DiZzyBonne
Hmm... Sounds like when i say one of those black jokes about pickin cotton. You sound like my mom. LOL

When I first saw this, I thought it was going to be about Dan and Tom's financial situation...
In response to Foomer

In response to Shun Di
Your never going to be king because you type in such an annoying manner. Please stop with capitalizing the first letter of each word in your sentence, it's not cool or "l337", it is very annoying. If you don't know where a letter should be capitalized in a sentence or word then please go back to 1st grade and learn where.

In response to Kusanagi
You do realize what he's going to do to you as soon as he becomes the ruler of the world, just for that little comment, don't you?
In response to Foomer
Yes, but my group of dungeon crawling rats and I will revolt and spread a new plague across the world, and I will become ruler of the world =).

In response to Kusanagi
Foomer, you will be dictator of Eurasia when I am ruler, and we will crush the rats befor they can say googlesnicherfingishlingasutopiancity, in unison!
In response to Shun Di
Word of the Day
"googlesnicherfingishlingasutopiancity" - a retarded monkey that sniffs glue and is found in dumpsters alot. Also has affairs with skanks. (also refered to as Bill Clinton).

And that is my Word of the Day

In response to Punkrock546
Punkrock546 wrote:
And that is my Word of the Day


Don't you mean My Word Of The Day!?!?!
In response to Shun Di
My Word of the Day

In response to DiZzyBonne
It belongs, its a serious topic on the way the world is
I say that rich people should required to donate to at least ONE homeless agency in the same city their main office is located in (or nearest city)

Not much, here and there.. And that Homelessness is the fault of pompous psychiatrists, pessimistic and unfounded (also IGNORANT) disgregard to the well-being of people with obscure mental disorders.

In short I think everyone should help them out somehow.

I do my part by swearing an oath to myself that if i were to see a police officer assault a homeless man that that officer not be seen again
A friend of mine told me to feed them Hungry 3rd world kids, and that'd solve 2 problems.

But I told him that the homeless people would still be alive.
In response to Sariat
deal with our own countries problems first, but be wary of threats from outside.

If i were to donate to starving children in the middle-east id go there myself and give them food, i dont trust those donation agencies.
send them to russia
In response to Dareb
I feel sorry for home-less people. One thing I never got though was how eating all your food at dinner was gonna save the starving people in China. It would be better to just send the food to China...I'm going on one of my rare 'Thinking Rampages'.

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