Two questions:

1. Is there away to delete keys that you no longer use besides having to e-mail DanTom?


2. In DreamSeeker, on the little screen that comes up for you to enter your key and password, how can I delete some of the keys on it? My friends usually come over here and log on using their own key and now I have about 50 names up there.

Stimulus wrote:
Two questions:

1. Is there away to delete keys that you no longer use besides having to e-mail DanTom?


2. In DreamSeeker, on the little screen that comes up for you to enter your key and password, how can I delete some of the keys on it? My friends usually come over here and log on using their own key and now I have about 50 names up there.

By directly editing your key.txt file (in your BYOND directory under users I believe)