The recent issue of Gamepro (October 2002) has a two part series called 'Take this job, and love it!', which lists certain jobs involving game designing and producing (Along with a list of schools specializing in game creation).

Most of us are already experienced in some game creation, so if you are thinking of persuing a career in game design, check out the October edition of Gamepro!
I read it, and my bro is going to UW Game Design College in Washington (he lives there). It's gonna be cool too cause he always wanted to program and create a wrestling game based off our Backyard Wrestling Federation.
In response to Branks
Awesome. The designers make pretty good money ($40,000 - $50,000 a year), and I'd love to see Backyard Wrestling Foundation as a game.
In response to Dracon
To me, that title has Bargain Bin written all over it.
Theodis is going to Digipen ya know.
Or try watching G4...i heard from the companies that you need to first beta test before you have any hope of moving up in the company