So... its quite obvious that anime games are the black people to white america, but it seems like every one has their own reason as to why.
Some say every anime game promotes and/or is mainly used for AFK training.
While others are anime fans themselves but have probably been banned from almost every anime game..
And then there are those select few who just believes anime games ruin the byond community forgetting the fact that, most of byonds population from 2007-Now is because of it, sad but true.
I know Byond will never come to accept anime games as they did before, but for the anime game devs, we should atleast understand why(debate wise).
I agree some of the anime games now are just...
But still no one can pull the population away from anime games so thats enough to show you.. "fuck it byonders want nothing, absolutely nothing".
Be the dev to give them something(No we dont want Eternia anymore) because now its like Michael Jackson vs the world back in whatever years he was most popular in.
Michael Jackson = Anime games
The World = Byond.
Still winning.
![]() Aug 11 2015, 11:00 am (Edited on Aug 11 2015, 11:14 am)
I was around when games on byond were categorized and had their own little "clubs" in all honesty, still never understood why they ended that for us.
This is full of inaccurate information. For one, the first anime games didn't crop up until 2001.
We also never stopped outright list anime games before the C&D stuff started happening, it got moved into its own channel/guild at one point but it was never actively hidden away until we were forced to do so. |
HaxRp wrote:
I was around when games on byond were categorized and had their own little "clubs" in all honesty, still never understood why they ended that for us. It was hell to moderate, and on the technical side it was insanely tedious to maintain. |
Could see why with all the game submissions and such, but why not just hire more staff in my opinion.
HaxRp wrote:
Could see why with all the game submissions and such, but why not just hire more staff in my opinion. This isn't the kind of operation that can do that. |
The staff we had were all volunteers, which meant they had no obligation to actually do anything if they didn't want to. Things ran fairly smoothly for the guilds, but it was the whole blog system that was a pain in the butt to manage both on the moderation side and the development side of the fence. It was just easier to move on to a less user-centric system.
I havent been on byond as long as some people but i have played a large number of games. I have noticed that anime "inspired" games are very popular taking up a large percentage of byond players. To remove them is to cripple byond itself or is it? Not many byond members are seeing a reason to donate or become a member because it has little to no benefits for them. Ignoring all of that since it's irrelevant. On the face of byond (When you click play on the home page) you see the most popular games that will usually bring new people to join those games unless they have been here for a while and are trying new things they will rarely scroll down to see what other games that they could play.
This type of system supports popular games but doesn't support the less popular games. -Btw the anime games are still creeping back to the home page- Also most anime game owners are usually ass wipes because they don't like people talking trash about their game, and usually when someone try to help them with their game they don't see it that way. Then i do believe ter once said something about afk training and giving the illusion of their games having a large player base when it's really just people afk. Anime games arent very good and they have little to no whats the word people like to say a lot? "innovation" i think is what it is. And can you blame them? If you have the same essay as someone else and just change the name of the owner on it and get an A+ wouldnt you think you're doing something right? Then the little games that are unique no one is interested in because they have never heard of it, and many people here are terrified of new things (i.e. the new pager j/s), and are usually terrified to play those newer games unless a friend tries to get them to play it. Then those few of us who like to try new things are usually turned off by the lack of players which are usually vital for a large portion of the games on byond. Without the player base necessary for multiplayer games then most games wont ever see much time in the spotlight because again the way byond is set up popular games stay popular and newer games rarely get the spotlight good or not. Now if you will excuse me i will spend the next 50 hours afk training in some anime game because there is nothing better 2 do. |
Ghost of ET wrote:
Now if you will excuse me i will spend the next 50 hours afk training in some anime game because there is nothing better 2 do. Reported to the Feds. You're done son. You ain't gonna see daylight on your life. It game over for yeh. |
Ghost of ET wrote:
Now if you will excuse me i will spend the next 50 hours afk training in some anime game because there is nothing better 2 do. Can always resort to testing Pondera when I start hosting it! |
![]() Though I disagree with your assessment. If you're a white male in the United States, you're pretty much supposed to feel all of this shame for your privilege. |
DarkNinjaNaut wrote:
Reported to the Feds. You're done son. You ain't gonna see daylight on your life. It game over for yeh. <3 i would play AL if you would continue to update it for the rest of your life. Can always resort to testing Pondera when I start hosting it! Game seems legit maybe i will e.e. |
I strongly detest anime games and games that use the same old anime resources (see: "Dragon Ki", "Dragon Universe") and design patterns (AFK training).
They're pretty harmless, in the end. People will continue to play them and find enjoyment from them, and that's fine. So... its quite obvious that anime games are the black people to white america, but it seems like every one has their own reason as to why. Jesus christ, though, you could not have started with a more terrible sentence. |
The best games are original concepts, though there isn't anything wrong with someone liking something so much that they make it to play it (it is only when they intend to make money, I don't consider donations from people liking what you do as business revenue). There didn't use to be a lot of DBZ games in the 90's, most were japanese and not available in the US except in limited quantities and certain areas, so it was understandable to find such a thing on Byond (and fun to play at the time considering it was on toonami at the time).
Either way, like I said before the best is original. After all, did DBZ copy anything (other than martial arts, the author, etc)? I don't really know but I don't think so, it would be an original production which is why it is STILL being aired. Original is the best.
You don't see robotech on T.V. a lot ... probably because it was plagiarized from japanese anime. It is okay, but my point is that the original concept goes the furthest.