Well seems my mod browsing has brought my attention to a little mod called Rival Species which uses the concept and characters from Warhammer 40k, one of the "click" games my friend's and I got into a while back, but then stopped playing because of how long the games would last. This mod though looks like it's going to be pretty good, or as many Counter-Strike players would say, "iT 1s gunn4 pwn!". Luckily I had stumbled onto it today, the 14th, because tomorrow is when official alpha testing begins, and only people who ask before the 15th can be a tester =), and with my small list of games I have tested for I easily got in.(Endless Ages which is a MMORPG, did some private testing for Ragnarok Online which was sort of a MMORPG but is now only allowing people in Korea, Malaysia, and Japan play I believe, Natural Selection which is a Half-Life mod http://www.natural-selection.org, the Lineage series another MMORPG, and that sums it up!) So if you have Half-Life and you are a WH40k fan, or once was, then get over to http://www.rivalspecies.com and figure out how to become an alpha tester, oh and remember this is the last day so don't try tomorrow =P.
Sep 14 2002, 2:56 pm
Sep 14 2002, 3:03 pm
Where do you sign up for the alpha? Subscribe to the newsletter?
In response to Garthor
You have to go to the forums and put up your system requirements on the subscribe to alpha post in the forums, then hope you get an e-mail.
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