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Any thoughts on layout so far? Don't forget, i'm an amature HTML / Java coder.

Hmm, I've seen better. Frames are usually not the way to go, since they show you exactly where the pages are seperated and they look ugly on top of that. What you can do is have the sidebar on all of the pages (this takes more work, but usually looks better) by making one background which looks like it has a sidebar (usually indicated by a color change), and then align the links so that they are on top of that color. You'd have to do this for all of the pages, however, once you get it you should be able to paste the code into all of the pages.
I'm not sure Lexy would be too happy about the link to Hedgerow Hall. She's trying to avoid the crowd your games promote.
use tables not frames, very few sites use frames now days. Try using front page to make a table that will show up on all your pages for the site. Its very helpful. if you want to talk to me in msn on how to get frontpage, message me at [email protected], oh ya it did change if your wondering. I cant tell you though byond just to be nice and stop something from being started. See ya rae....uhhh... i mean Alatar.
Its nice, but its missing one thing: <font color = yellow>~</font><font color = red>NewBlood Entertainment</font><font color = yellow>~</font>. For our new low prices we would like to offer our assistance with graphics like banners, logos, hub icons, ect...

Here is an example or two:

Thats the NewBlood banner

Thats another banner made for BYOND by us

And lastly, a simple yet nicely designed hub icon.

What do ya think?

<font color = red>YoungBlood
In response to NewBlood Entertainment
NewBlood Entertainment wrote:
Its nice, but its missing one thing: <font color = yellow>~</font><font color = red>NewBlood Entertainment</font><font color = yellow>~</font>. For our new low prices we would like to offer our assistance with graphics like banners, logos, hub icons, ect...

Here is an example or two:

Thats the NewBlood banner

Thats another banner made for BYOND by us

And lastly, a simple yet nicely designed hub icon.

What do ya think?

<font color = red>YoungBlood

I'm sorry, but, i don't see anything.

In response to NewBlood Entertainment
You're trying to link to images on your hard-drive, which won't work; you need to find a webhost that allows you to link images, and upload them.
In response to NewBlood Entertainment
You can get your ol' buddy ken to hook ya up with some quality web graphics.


P.S: I still think it clashes. You need some color coordination.
In response to NewBlood Entertainment
Nice ^_^ give me a cookie!
I see you have been working on it over night. Not Bad. I still say drop the frames.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
I see you have been working on it over night. Not Bad. I still say drop the frames.

What are frames? Lol, sorry. I'm considered an idiot at web-pages, and yes, i been slowley-but steadily working on it.

In response to Alatar
lol i havent done HTML in a good 5 years, but frames are how your side bar and the main part are 2 pages displayed on one. Thats what frames are. What are you using to make that?
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
lol i havent done HTML in a good 5 years, but frames are how your side bar and the main part are 2 pages displayed on one. Thats what frames are. What are you using to make that?

Oh, i see. You mean code? it's html / Java, but, i have trouble getting indenting right if it's on 1 page. Oh well.
I might hire a good web-designer to remake it one-day.

In response to Alatar
no i meant program that menipulates HTML, like front page or html pro. They make making a site alot easyer. You might want to try them sometime.