10* Equipment - The addition of 10* equipment has begun. This will take place over several updates.
- 10* equipment is dropped by a specific enemy that is level 61 or higher. The higher the level, the higher the chance. (Be warned; the chance is relatively small, slightly rarer than 9* items.)
- 10* equipment requires a new crafting material called Raremetal Shards to be upgraded. You can obtain this material by breaking down items with a rarity of 8* or higher (the higher the rarity, the more you can obtain.)
- 10* equipment have unique, powerful effects... Discover the rest yourself! (For now, at least...)
- All of the items added in this update are dropped by Bandits.
Bandit Dungeon Revamp (Partial) - Bandit dungeons have been partially revamped.
- Minor visual improvements to the walls.
- Can now spawn several special rooms, such as weapons storage, stolen goods cache (which you can search for stolen goods in), prison cells, etc.
- Bandits now gain stronger potions the higher level they are instead of always having Stabilizers.
New Static Random Dungeon - The Den of the Vipers is a level 65 Bandit Den on Kysei. A good place to look if you can't find any other high level Bandit Dens for the above additions!
Multiple Hotbar Pages - The battle bar and item belt both now support multiple pages.
- Battle quick bars and item belts can now hold up to 10 pages.
- You can change through the pages by clicking the up and down arrows now displayed next to these interfaces.
- You can also use the Shift+Up and Shift+Down (for battle bars) and - and = (for utility belt; the shift+direction functionality is already taken by directional facing) macros to change the pages. (Up/down function exactly as if you'd clicked the arrow of the same direction.)
- Classes with tons of active skills such as Magic Gunner, Demon Hunter, and Mage classes will benefit the most from these changes!
Dungeon Clear Bonuses - You can now earn bonus rewards for clearing dungeon floors.
- A 'cleared' dungeon floor is a dungeon floor without any monsters in it.
- You earn rewards after defeating the core boss. You cannot retroactively earn clear bonuses if you clear floors after defeating the boss.
- Partial Clear Bonus - For every dungeon floor cleared, gain an additional (Dungeon Level * 10) Experience Points and (Dungeon Level * 1) Murai. (Does not stack with Full Clear Bonus)
- Full Clear Bonus - If all floors in the dungeon are cleared of monsters, for each floor, gain an additional (Dungeon Level * 500) Experience Points. You will also gain (Dungeon Level * 10) Murai; note that the Murai does not get multiplied per floor.
- Important: You can only gain clear rewards if you participated in a normal battle within the dungeon. Therefore, people who came afterwards to clear the core, or alts you bring to a cleared dungeon afterwards cannot earn the bonus!
- Lastly: Since you must clear the core floor in order to defeat the boss, you will always earn at least a Partial Clear Bonus (assuming you won a normal battle first).
Inventory Sorting - A new button has been added to the inventory screen titled 'Sort'; you can click this to have the game sort your inventory based on a variety of criteria, including name, worth, rarity, upgrade level, etc.
New Lore - Added 4 new entries to the random lore blurbs, with some related to July's Lore Questions. (These have been in for about a week and you might have already seen them.)
Adjusted - Item breakdown has received a few adjustments.
- All items can now give materials when broken down. If there is no material present on the item, it will default to the basic types.
- The 'possible yield' now shows how many of a material you can get instead of just x1. (For example, you can get x1 to x4 with an 8* item.)
Adjusted - The Jackhammer weapon has received some statistical adjustments.
- Base Power is now 22 (from 25).
- Base Accuracy is now 55 (from 50).
- Base Weight is now 20 (from 15).
- Rarity is now 9 (from 6).
Adjusted - Chaser's range is now a 2-5 Line (it can be resized now; defaults to the maximum distance).
Adjusted - Further fine-tuned the mercenaries' bonus stats to make them more useful in higher level situations.
Adjusted - Bloodstained's 'attracts monsters' curse now adds more enemies to battles. (Undocumented change from previous update.)
Adjusted - Automated Shopkeepers can now hold a maximum of 100 items at once. If you are already over that limit, the items will remain in the shop, but you won't be able to add more until you are under the limit.
Adjusted - A new OOC talk tab has been added. This tab will display all OOC messages, even if you have OOC toggled off (OOC will not show up in the main chat window while toggled off still.)
Adjusted - Dungeon generation should now pick the first non-dense tile it can find for the floor entrance stairs in any situation where it can't find a free tile. (If you find a dungeon that has something occupying the same tile as the entrance stairs, please screenshot and report it!)
Adjusted - Enemies with the Flier tag, such as Wings of Fire, now ignore unit collision and dense tiles in their way when moving, as if they were actually flying.
Adjusted - Static random dungeons now spawn many more enemies. (Due to a previous change that makes more monsters spawn per floor in random dungeons, they only had a few at a time, which is contrary to their purpose.)
Adjusted - Airborne units no longer trigger field hazards when moving (forced or otherwise).
Adjusted - Pull effects no longer trigger hazard tiles and things like Hooked Spearhead unless you actually move to a different tile.
Adjusted - Nitrogen Drop now costs 4M (up from 3M).
Adjusted - Bullet Barrier now expends all rounds to deflect single-shot gun attacks, similar to how it behaves with bows.
Adjusted - Small change to the status display procedure to shift some of its clean-up to BYOND's inate garbage disposal. (Minor optimization/performance change, let me know if any issues occur as a result.)
Adjusted - Optimization change for something found to be redundantly updating with the character HUD. (Could increase server performance, please let me know if any issues occur!)
* Bug Fixes
- Multifront's default targeting should now the same as its targeting upon being moved.
- Elemental Rave's Bonus Bloodshed effect now properly checks its magic damage against RES instead of DEF.
- Jump Cancel now properly ends Combination Fighter.
- Combination Fighter's upper limit of 2 is now properly enforced.
- Chaser's aerial movement should stop properly when you encounter an airborne enemy now.
- Associates (such as mercenaries) using Sear should now properly cause Cinder tiles to be created.
- Combination Fighter's Momentum reduction now functions properly.
- Checkmate now costs the proper amount of Momentum in Stylish dungeons.
- Wild Grass's skill icon has been restored.
- Lava Leak's cinder tiles should now burn as hot as you'd expect.
- Wild Ride should no longer leave you wildly in the air in certain circumstances.
- An instance where you could be trapped behind a house in Tannis during Black Beast attacks has been patched up.
- Winged Serpent's now has its listed minimum and maximum target size.
- Snake Dancer's description now reflects what the skill actually does.
- In the case of back attacks, no battle participants should spawn on the same battle tile when the ambushers are placed near each other.
- Rye can no longer critically strike. (Rye, not Ryemei, before anyone freaks out.)
- Poison Bite can no longer trigger Evasion (since it requires a hit check already.)
- A few bugs where Tactician skills were gaining the Tactics Rank bonus despite not having Performance Rating learned have been corrected. (Previously, they were treated as the minimum level, leading to Assault Order getting a minimum bonus of 2, for example.)
- An issue with temporary maps that was causing camps to not reflect day/night/etc has been corrected.
- Pull effects will now correctly move the victim to an adjacent tile if applied while diagonally 1 tile away.