Recently I have been working on drawing up a trailer for my movie "Eyes of the Myst: The Next Generation", It will be a cartoon, anime-style drawing. The script at the moment is well more than 23 pages long and All the characters are being worked out, such as appearance and such.
The cartoon-movie itself is being drawin black-and-white with an overlapped pen mark, and each frame will be digitally colored and animated through the appropriate flash/director studio software I am currently searching for (If you have any shareware please point me in the direction)

I am estimating at the rate I am going, I will have a trailer complete by mid-november and the movie itself will be finished Summer 2003. I am still looking for character voices from help with people I keep in contact with. So please stay tuned and tell me what you think.


P.S: I picked the Anime style of art because I prefer it to many other forms of cartoon movies, and The movie 'Akira' Aroused my passion for drawing this style (And Im pretty good).

Man thats awesome... I'd sure love to help ya out. I would say use Macromedia Flash 5.0 or higher for the viewer stuff... I've been told I have a good voice ^_^; anywho, you know where to catch me
