Heh. I was curious ... who exactly are the forum moderators? I know there's Alathon and Lummox JR, but who else?
Well, Ive seen our friends Lexy and I believe Spuzzum moderate. And guessing how Deadron's <Anything> Gets in the hub instantly, Im guessing he ranks up there also.

I dont believe Nadrew has any forum moderation powers, But he says he is a popular and respected friend *giggles* of either Dan or Tom.

In response to NeoHaxor
Well, Ive seen our friends Lexy

Ah, no wonder why I sensed so much hatred.
In response to NeoHaxor
Moderators do not control things that go on the hub. They just try to keep order on the forums.

Deadron is "up there" and reviews things for the hub. However, it should be no surprise that a guy with a good amount of programming knowledge who has been here for years has many tools/games available. I'm not even sure if Deadron was a reviewer at the time of some of his older libraries.