I've entered this logo in the BYONDShop logo contest. Please rate on a scale of 1-10 (1 being worst, 10 being best).

In response to Nadrew
Owch...that hurts...better start on another one :)
In response to DBHavenMaster
I thought it was pretty good. My only suggestion would be to bring the b-y-o-n-d letters closer together - spaced apart looks a little odd to me...

I'll give you an 8 on effort and a 7 on design... :)
I think it'd look better if the letters in the BYOND part were capitalized, since it's technically an acronym, not a word. And if you can scrunch in the lower part a bit so it's not so long, that'd be good too. Last of all, lighten the shadow on the Build Your Own Net Dream part just a teensy bit, and add a shadow to the BYOND part as well :oP
Hey, I listened to your suggestions and came up with this:

(1-10 once again)

In response to DBHavenMaster
your logo cut off the build your own net dream words. I only see the upper half of them
In response to Branks
Hmmm...fixed...try again.

Adobe Photoshop. Look at the new logo, not the old one.