Well after the year and a hald I've been using BYOND, I have aqcuired virtually no coding knowledge. So, I'm gonna make a DBZ game. Of course it won't be a normal DBZ game. THe PBags are pissed and are back... with a vengence! There are Nameks, Freiza comes out of the closet and all kinds of fun and offensive stuff. Of course it's going to be offensive and noone will like it, but it's the price I pay for genius.
Personnaly, I think its a good idea. I mean who REALLY thought freeza was straight anyway?
In response to Jotdaniel
I thought freeza was a girl.
In response to Garthor
Well frieza wears lipstick and his choice in colors is just so, fruity, and that voice, eh, totally gay.
In response to Toxxy55
Hey! I'm all for it. Insult all these DBZ'ers. That's the way to go. Well... it'll show everyone how crappy DBZ can be in a game and thus, put theirs to shame (BYOND has lead me to hate DBZ Games due to all the lame DBZers currently here). Anyway, I personally think it'd be a great idea to make a parody of DBZ. Shows originality.

-- Griz --
well, it wont be easy, drawing a crippled picolo is hard. And I'm not sure how to put strobe lights in the gay bar