You are one popular guy. :)
[link] :)

Plus these:


There are more, but I got tired of looking.
Heh... I noticed that, too... I've seen at least two of them just in the past week... And that's NOT counting this

Must be nice to be in such high demand...

In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I hate it, I want people to go away. People bring out the worst in me.
In response to Foomer
Yet you're a semi-constant presence on these boards...

I think you like human interaction more than you let
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
I hate it, I want people to go away. People bring out the worst in me.

Somehow I don't think you're quite alone in that regard.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Yes, I'm a social freak who hates having people around. Aint it great?
In response to Foomer
people, may they all burn in hell
In response to Leftley
In my case, I bring out the worst in myself -- other people make me better (after I consume their souls).