Well, the good news is that I think I figured out how to get my multiplication algorithm to play nice with the two's complement representation I have going on now. I also figured out an optimization in the addition step of multiplication that should make things a bit faster. Multiplication has been quite a pain though; I have several pages of graph paper with hand runs of the algorithm to try and hammer out the details.
Ghost of ET wrote:
where are those bombs coming from O_O? We have a lot of random spells like that which can be acquired as loot. Tomes are looted from bosses, and are unlocked by finding a tome stand on the map that gives access to the menu, which fades and changes location after use ( http://puu.sh/lzc5r/0deca88019.png ). That tome is from a mini-boss at the end of this side-quest: http://i.imgur.com/Jn6xMHu.gif |
player The way this works is absolutely delicious. The 10/15 values are VERY subject to change, just dummy values, but basically every stat has a main and secondary associated talent point. Armor will give you extra talent points in said stats, and your skills you'll learn will be based off your talent points. You can switch between any combination off the six talent stats and you'll get a playable character build with crazy amounts of variance and different playstyles. Yay game design. |
Something tells me that getting beams to reflect, although possible and not too difficult to code, will be too tough on the cpu. Besides, it's more challenging that way. Don't want to give the player a way to remove all threats. |
Bravo1 wrote:
That attack palette should probably stand out a bit more... |
It'll stand out against other areas of the game, I hope. I'll have to see how they compare with the other areas of the game once I get to them.
Natures pocket?