Shooty game?
![]() I'm pretty sure this is nothing new or amazing but I was playing around with it and wanted to get some opinions. This uses an image which is a black triangle, I stretched it to fit the screen (thus big pixelation, so I'll need a higher quality one in the future). It's set to ignore client color (what I'm using for the lighting) It's color is set to: list(null,null,null,null, rgb(255,255,255). So, you could technically use a white icon. Finally, it's blend mode is set to BLEND_MULTIPLY. I highly doubt that this will be used on the player like this, but I will likely set up static lightning this way, since you can freely modify the color to get some interesting effects. |
Bravo1 wrote:
:O Awesome! and really appreciate the explanation. |
I think you just explained the most efficient and simplistic way to pull off dynamic lighting I've ever heard and now I must fiddle with the concept myself.
Nadrew wrote:
I think you just explained the most efficient and simplistic way to pull off dynamic lighting I've ever heard and now I must fiddle with the concept myself. Thanks! I would mention that it has some limitations/untested aspects though: First, since it uses client.color for changing everything's color all at once, it's likely you're only able to use "two" colors at a time. The client's color, and what the multiply of the other object gives. I don't know how these look when overlapping either, there might not be an upper limit and it may turn pure white when two sources lie this overlap. I'll have to test it out. Second, this method seems to completely ignore alpha levels within an image/icon. That is to say, if you have something that fades from black to the null color using alpha, only the solid black appears. Of course, this is with a black icon that has been colored to white, I'm not sure if using a white icon and leaving the color alone will have the same results. Third: I'm not sure how it interacts with layering at all. Could be good, could be bad. |
Ability to temporarily blind enemies when you shine light in their face while you're in a dark area :D???
Bravo1 wrote:
Nadrew wrote: Oh, it's definitely limited in use. But the use it does have is pretty cool so far. I imagine a lot of the 510 stuff will make the process of doing lighting in a way similar to this one a lot more reasonable and controllable (if it's going to do what I think it is at least). |
After some testing. Looks like separate light's do compound on one another, but not to an extreme extent.
It seems like the lowest intensity you can get without strange artifacts is 125 (to r,g, and b). wide shot: ![]() It also seems that switching to a white icon that fades to black doesn't really change anything, it still cuts off anything that isn't a solid color within the icon. I've also discovered that the effect seems to compound colors in an interesting way. ![]() Here, I'm using two lights. Both at the same intensity (125), except the larger one is set to rgb(x*2,x,x), while the small one is just full white. The interesting thing here is that it seems to multiply each channel separately. So, if it's set to red, then reds will be multiplied but blues and greens will be left alone. Setting it to white makes everything brighter. It's likely that this is supposed to happen, and is the expected results, but I wasn't sure what to expect when I started messing with blend modes, color matrices, and the client color, but I'm finding it a very interesting thing to mess around with. I've got to try and come up with some sort of testing tool which allows these settings to be switched on and off at will. That way, we'll be able to see which interactions provide the best results. |
I've tested a bit with it too, to a point it looks really cool and how you'd expect light to blend, but then you reach the point where there's so much overlap that you end up with a solid color and that just ruins it.
It would be pretty cool if we could blend alpha values into client.color better, and not a new color entirely, that way we could simply "cut away" at the alpha value with light sources until it was transparent outright. That's how a lot of SNES games did lighting, they'd have a pure black layer and objects on another layer could blend through that pure black's translucency value until the point where it was 100% clear. |
Rushnut wrote:
y r u soo naught funey |
Yut Put wrote:
ive wanted to do lighting like that for so long, is that using a new feature? Yep, client.color and NO_CLIENT_COLOR are both 509 things I believe. Not sure if it can be emulated without client.color though. I imagine covering the screen in a one-color fill with BLEND_MULTIPLY and a super high layer might act the same as client.color. Not sure though, could act differently. |
You can do what I did and what Darkcampainger does in his lighting stuff. Where you have everything on blend multiply, or everything is transparent, and you put the light graphics underneath.
Somehow, this reminds me of Shadow Master. Power-ups and puzzles are just obligatory in a game like this. You could even add customization, like TerraTech. It has a lot in common with Terraria too.
I feel like it should have some kind of visible jumping mechanism.
Just look at how cool the Sand Flea is: