Nov 2 2015, 2:32 pm
In response to Bravo1
Can't wait to see what you come up with for boss fights :P
In response to Bravo1
Holy crap balls I must play this.
In response to Zecronious
^wut he said.
I want to make puzzles and stages n things for it now :C. |
Maybe Bravo1 will create a map editor that allows the community to create and upload their own stages. It sounds like it could be fun. :3
In response to Lavenblade
Lavenblade wrote:
Maybe Bravo1 will create a map editor that allows the community to create and upload their own stages. It sounds like it could be fun. :3 That's exactly what i was thinking xD. |
In response to Lavenblade
Also the way your little doohiki rotates gives me a brilliant idea XD.
In response to Ghost of ET
Ghost of ET wrote:
Also the way your little doohiki rotates gives me a brilliant idea XD. Huh?? Lol. |
In response to Lavenblade
The uhh plasma cannon? Plasma gun? Light blaster? blaster?? uhhh idk what it's called the little gun thing that shoots out those little cute balls of light xD.
In response to Ghost of ET
A doohickey with cute balls....
*Drags game files into trash can, Right-Click, Empty Trash* |
In response to Ghost of ET
Ghost of ET wrote:
The uhh plasma cannon? Plasma gun? Light blaster? blaster?? uhhh idk what it's called the little gun thing that shoots out those little cute balls of light xD. It's not mine, though. :P Bravo1 wrote: A doohickey with cute balls....Lmfao! Forever quoted. |
In response to Ghost of ET
Also, if you don't mind restricting the amount of transforms you can use on your main character, using Scale(-1,1) to flip things is much easier than using icon states for a side-scroller.
This way every little change you make doesn't have to be replicated for each direction. |
In response to Bravo1
Bravo1 wrote:
Also, if you don't mind restricting the amount of transforms you can use on your main character, using Scale(-1,1) to flip things is much easier than using icon states for a side-scroller. I'm at the basic level of programming so idk what a transforms is a main character is a scale(-1,1) is nor do i know what icon states are. But basically the idea is tanks on rum and drugs. What i basically saw in my head(Im a little crazy so bear with this) was your Plasma Blaster (Perfect name) stripped away from everything else. So now we have your rotating blaster surrounded by black nothingness. Transform your Plasma Blaster into a overview of a pirate ship and fill the black nothingness with an ocean and you may be on the beach of one of the most brilliant byond ideas ever. Then i fined tuned what i was seeing into a game. Press space to lower or raise sales which cause your ship to move in the direction your cursor is pointed right click to fire right cannons left click to fire left cannons. And you have the basics for a pirate game. |
This isn't really amenable to fancy screenshots, and it's a back-endy sort of project that I only started working on today, but someone might be interested. Here's some output and profiler info on the library.
0x0c0ffee4deadbeef + 0x0000001234567890 = 0x0c0ffef71304377f and Profile results (total time) |
In response to Popisfizzy
What does all of that mean <3?
In response to Ghost of ET
Ghost of ET wrote:
What does all of that mean <3? The 0x prefix on a number means it's in hexadecimal. Converting it into decimal, you get the following: 869,193,512,047,722,223 + 78,187,493,520 = 869,193,590,235,215,743 Notice that the numbers are much larger than DM would usually allow. |
In response to Popisfizzy
Ohhhh I like that i like that a lot :3.
In response to Bravo1
An old entry from you returns... Yet it's not Gravity.
No, but really. While I truly would of loved Gravity to return, this is looking really awesome and I would definitely love to see more and give it a try when it's up and running. In other news... Regarding Hunger. Sigh. I caught the flu over the weekend, and literally slept almost 24 hours via Nyquil to knock it down enough for me to work today. So with a Halloween release no longer tempting me to rush (Probably a good thing) a few new ideas and expansions in mind (They're good, Kumori could vouch for this!), and something unrelated but promising in the works (Time will tell!) things from me may get quiet for a bit. But rest assured Hunger shall be completed, and when you do hear from me I will be coming in with guns blazing. No pun intended. |
In response to Ghost of ET
No, he's just a friend of mine, and he inspired me to create Hunger so he tends to hear about things before anyone else does.
Well... this isn't... right.... (Warning, flashing lights)
An old entry from you returns... Yet it's not Gravity. I'm sorry ;__; I'd work on it more, but I've discovered I'm crap with the human body and making the MC look decent was not working out to well. The game was way too ambitious for BYOND anyway as it would've required a full physics system like Box2d. This robot project will give me a lot more freedom in terms of character and level design. |