all ive done is remake my health bar code, its now about 4 lines long and does everything a health bar should and thanks to animate slides really smoothly instead of an instant drop. I'm also working in covering the screen in darkness sorta like this search?q=sprite+horror+game&biw=1252&bih=599&source=lnms&tbm =isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIwqnkze7ZxwIVw6OICh3tqAti#imgr c=qMQ1NHUsjrZnaM%3A . Than just kinda redoing everything in my game rebuilding it to be a horror game with combat more similair to bloodborne with run elements from outlast and other horror games. Thats the dream anyway. Right now we are making the first zone.
i was actually thinking of changing our style to more basic it fits the theme of horror more but you know projects take perfection no matter how many tries ill get the right style down for us D:
This is in the Spirit World, part of the intro to the game.