A small GIF of my easy to use hud creationg thingy thing thing.

Sets the global color for khud objects upon creation.
[color null]

Creates the background and the bar going across the top.
grid BACKGROUND /background 1,1 10,10;
grid TOP_BAR /top_grid 1,10 10,10;

Creates the first button and the text for it and then glues them together so that any actions upon the object tied to BUTTON1 will effect the object tied to STRING_CLOSE. And then we hide them :)
button BUTTON1 /button 1:12,10:12 hide_slots.dm;
text STRING_CLOSE 1:18,10:13 "<b><font color=white>Close</font></b>";
hide BUTTON1;

A second button, but we're not hiding this one.
button BUTTON2 /button 3:8,10:12 show_slots.dm;
text STRING_OPEN 3:16,10:13 "<b><font color=white>Open</font></b>";

button BUTTON3 /button 9,10:12 close_main_menu.dm;
text STRING_EXIT 9:14,10:13 "<b><font color=white>Exit</font></b>";

This creates the slots and then hides them.
make SLOT1 /slot 1:12,8:30;
make SLOT2 /slot 2:16,8:30;
make SLOT3 /slot 3:20,8:30;
make SLOT4 /slot 4:24,8:30;


Been away from DM while enjoying my birthday weekend but I should get some stuff done later tonight!

This is loaded when the player logs in http://pastebin.com/7a7Yt05u

Once that's loaded the other scripts are as simple as a single line or such as you can just glue things to a container and effect them all via that :)


Updated code --> [ http://pastebin.com/zssiaizF ]
This does not include the script files for closing, opening and such tho.
They're only a single line or two anyway :)
- Drops are now all split into tiers with various likelihoods of being dropped.
- Cleaned up ai to marginally improve game performance (and fix a bug!).
- Impact launcher shells always explode now -- in retrospect the old setup was p awkward.
- Music now cycles every wave.
- Added new music.
- New wave variant; nyan madness -- call projectiles are nyan cats until intermission.
- Reviving now knockbacks any nearby enemies to prevent being swarmed.
- New wave variant; Invincible One -- A random enemy is made temporarily invincible. The invincible enemy changes every few seconds.
- New wave variant; Speed Flux -- Enemy speed is randomly increased or decreased every five seconds.
- New wave variant; Bloody Trigger -- All damage dealt by the player does 2dmg in recoil.
In response to Pixelcomet
Pixelcomet wrote:

That is beautiful and amazingly perfect o_O
In response to Pixelcomet
Effects are on point! please make it so that the player is forced to move around in combat though. Are you right clicking for substitution? that'd be sick.
Substitution is tied to your guarding. It works similarly to how you use it in the console games. Today's dev log is going to explain our mechanics in detail. In the process of writing that now.

edit: http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=2042877 this week's devlog
hub banner

Zombies are coming, which friend will you team up with to barricade and defend?
In response to DarkTemplarX96
A challenger approaches!

Been sick, but I've done a good deal of work. I don't have much to show for it since there's a LOT of screenshots I'd need to take, but I hope this one does for now:

Added some effects to the Watcher projectiles (which are the same kind as this boss), and I'm also fiddling with changing the depth around on the non-natural turf tiles. I'm not sure if I want to make it dynamic or not though.
- Added new weapon; Shotgun.
- Added new enemy; Abstract -- Floats around and fires a laser in four directions simultaneously.
- Spectate mode is fixed and re-enabled.
- Cleaned up barrel points so projectiles actually spawn at the visually appropriate place.
I'd update you guys with my project but it would just receive negative attention(because of the art im using lol). So I won't do that. But it is original :)!

Unfinished Login screen though:

found this on Youtube of my DBZ game and heck did i get a laugh out of it.

In response to Akto
That's not how it's pronounced? Is it beyond? I've been pronouncing it by-ond ever since I got here(2007) o.o
You can call me, Biond. James Biond!
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