In response to AERProductions
Looks like fun, I'd play it.
I'm still here lurking. I'm loving the stuff going on here, keep it up guys!

This is by far my favorite thread to visit. Besides Design Philosophy of course.
Rio De Janeiro "Favela pitch" wip :
Yut Put wrote:
Tacurumin wrote:
Rio De Janeiro "Favela pitch" wip :

you should have kaiochao test your game and pay attention to his feedback. he's really good at helping you make sure your hitboxes and collision/movement are mathematically correct and intuitive. There's some stuff in the gif programming-wise that looks like it could benefit from a once-over from someone experienced like kaio

cool art aesthetic though

I will take a look, thanks for the tip ! For sure i will talk to Kaio.
In response to Doohl
Doohl wrote:


Futbol por vida
Well I guess I'll show this here. This is a combat system I'm working on to show off Pokémon Byzantine.

The game is currently in pre-alpha, It's going to basically be an MORPG Pokémon game with interactive Pokémon-Controlled fighting. For example if you use "Flamethrower" a projectile(Flamethrower) will erupt from your fire-type Pokémon's mouth towards the enemy Pokémon. Here are just some teaser screenshots.

Teaser 1

This screenshot shows a basic splash screen to give a more professional look.(BYOND.png credits to PrairieWolf)

Teaser 2

Basic character creation, this isn't the official game's creation process.

Teaser 3

Here we have the beach side chat-room area, players will be able to talk about the game here(give suggestions and such). Players will also be able to challenge each other to a one on one battle using one of the three 1st Generation starter Pokémon. The game will have a rank system and a competitive side to it since it's a combat simulator. Nothing in this combat simulator is final and or guaranteed to be in the official game however this is mostly for teaser purposes and to show what we can do. The game will give players an original and interactive take on Pokémon battles, including a MORPG aspect as well.

Thanks for reading, I'd appreciate this post not being derailed over this game being a fan game.

In response to Ss4gogeta0
I'm Hispanic and I've always gone with "soccer". I mean, I live here. You probably do too. Should respect that we call it soccer over here.
The name "Soccer" is an abbreviation of Association. Where America is the only country to have a conflicting sport, globally it's known as Football.

Either way as Football's actual name is "Association Football", it doesn't really matter what you call it so long as you can differentiate it in conversation from American Football.
In response to Zecronious
You can play it, that gif is from Simple PVE Demo #1! :)

I'm currently working up the courage to make an actual release of either Story Mode or Design and Build mode but there are several more failings of mine (bugs and incomplete functions) that need correcting before I do.

Hopefully someone sees the simple problems my project has and offers their assistance, because life knows I need it! :)
For those wondering about pay; All of the revenue, if any, that Pondera makes will be going back into Byond or straight to any programmers who help. I don't care about the financials. After I'm finished with what I want out of Pondera I am going to open source it (so it would be best if as many bad practices were defeated as possible before it got open sourced). I'm doing this project out of passion, not greed or pursuit of wealth. Contributing to it means you are contributing to byond, not to me.
In response to Pokemon Entertainment
Always wondered why no one actually placed the pokemon on the map and animated effects for their attacks.

that would have instantly made pokemon much more appealing to me.

I haven't played pokemon in...gosh. lol.
10+ years.

But ya, I'd give it a try.
Us Avid Anime Fans gotta stick together :p
You mean like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series...
Nothing like Mystery Dungeons, if you want more information just PM me.
In response to Avidanimefan
That was in response to Avid wondering why it was never created...
In response to MysteriousProgrammer
To which he just replied it's not like mystery dungeons.
To my understanding mystery dungeons is master less pokemon adventuring.

His concept is trainers, who throw their pokeballs and the pokemon appear on the map to my understanding. A bit different
In response to MysteriousProgrammer
Not to mention Pokémon Mystery Dungeons is still turn-based gameplay.

Avidanimefan wrote:
Always wondered why no one actually placed the pokemon on the map and animated effects for their attacks.

that would have instantly made pokemon much more appealing to me.

This is what you stated.. it was not about his game.

What you described is Mystery Dungeon.
In response to MysteriousProgrammer
I think you're the one who doesn't get it.
I know what I'm talking about..and so does he.

Mystery dungeon does not use the system of trainers at all.

That's a gameplay video of it mate.
In response to MysteriousProgrammer
MysteriousProgrammer wrote:

Avidanimefan wrote:
Always wondered why no one actually placed the pokemon on the map and animated effects for their attacks.

that would have instantly made pokemon much more appealing to me.

This is what you stated.. it was not about his game.

What you described is Mystery Dungeon.

"it was not about his game."

"In response to Pokemon Entertainment"

Umm lmfao?
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