What Bl4ck Adam is doing is fairly accurate... (The tend to move around whilst in combat like this as well, creating explosive force...)
That background is far better, but screen shaking will make it look more polished. It'll give it that hard impact that you need to sell the effect. Don't just settle for one effect when two or three will make it look even better.
Unlockable wrote:
I'm not sure if it's my lack of interest in the franchise or what but why does all this jumping around the screen appeal to people? It's too much to watch at one time. I can see how that sort of element would work in a fatality sort of situation but surely that's not how people fight in Dragonball Z? https://youtu.be/58xUFNYwbLA?t=136 There's a prime example in Battle of the Gods. I've skipped ahead to the moment where Beerus and Goku jump around the world. Get some sleep man[and have a good one] ! |
![]() I like this one. Sort of a wormhole effect. I did kill Dream Seeker a few times trying to generate it. Thats five waves of 100 particles, each running from 10 to 13 frames. I'm trying to work out a way to generate seamless transitions, but I'm either going to have to change my setup again, or just write a separate set of functions to handle that. And I still haven't figured out how to keep particles centered correctly if I stretch them in only one direction. Resizing 1/1 is fine, but anything else gets... funky... EDIT: I can actually get stretching to work as long as I don't try to rotate as well. |
That's weird. Shoot me a snippet sometime so I can help take a look at why rotation and turning isn't working. I actually had to fix this using a clever method that required me to create a blank matrix, interpolate that where the new frame should be and then set the image matrix to that, instead of just rotating or expanding the size of the current matrix. It was a fairly complicated juggling of the matrices to actually get it to work.
I'll see if I can't send you that snippet and see if that doesn't help, unless you're already doing that. 0.0 Otherwise, the particles look fantastic and I'm so glad you're having fun with them! You have no idea how awesome that makes me feel, truly it does. |
Kats wrote:
That's weird. Shoot me a snippet sometime so I can help take a look at why rotation and turning isn't working. I actually had to fix this using a clever method that required me to create a blank matrix, interpolate that where the new frame should be and then set the image matrix to that, instead of just rotating or expanding the size of the current matrix. It was a fairly complicated juggling of the matrices to actually get it to work. I'll see if I can't send you that snippet and see if that doesn't help, unless you're already doing that. 0.0 Well, as I mentioned, I'm not using any matrixes at all, but feel free to send me the snippet and I'll see what I can pry out of it :) Otherwise, the particles look fantastic and I'm so glad you're having fun with them! You have no idea how awesome that makes me feel, truly it does. Thanks, I appreciate the inspiration. There is still a fair chunk of your library buried in here, although I'm not sure how much you'd still recognize ;) My code is not the least bit pleasant to look at. |
Flick wrote:
My code is not the least bit pleasant to look at. Mine's no better. Lol. EDIT: Also, nevermind, I just realized that it was already part of the code for the scaling. I forgot that you're not using matrices as well, so that is a bit of a tough nut to crack. |
As a thought, you could always overlay one animation on top of one another, separated by half of the animation cycle. You would then trim off any part of the animation where both animations aren't running at the same time, this would be the first half of the first animation and the last half of the second animation and the effect this would create is the infinite looping step that you're looking for. I'll see if I can't come up with a visual example sometime.
Okay, here's the way I solved it through animation overlays.
![]() I first took the entire animation loop and made a copy of just the second half of it and overlayed that second half onto the first half of the original animation. I then clipped the last half off of the first animation and here I have a perfectly timed, two-step looping animation. In this gif, I gave each layer a distinct color to be more easily distinguished and had the last four frames of each growing circle fade out smoothly. It produces the effect below. It's a wonderfully looped animation produced very easily by a single run animation like you're using. ![]() There's some underlying mathematics that isn't too hard to figure out, but the gist is that depending on how many steps you want to make your animation, whether that's two, three, five, etc, the number of frames in the animation should be divisible by the number of steps you're wanting to overlay. You can always pull out a couple blank frames at the end to help you even this number up to a proper animation step, though, so it's nothing to really worry about. This animation is 16 frames, divisible by 2, which means it works. |
Yeah, that's pretty similar to what I'm doing. I'm tracking the lifetime of the first particle wave, chopping off the entire front of a run for 'lifetime' frames, and overlaying them onto the back end, starting one 'lifetime' of frames from the end. I've still got to work out guaranteeing enough frames to make it work, but it's getting there.
![]() ![]() ![]() I could not get the wormhole one to generate as many particles as I'd like. I must have choked DS out a dozen times or so just to get this one. |
Late to the party.
:o Dem' particles doe. Mine's lackluster. I went for function first. I finally fixed the last of the bugs today. Once my artist companion starts doing work again on the effects I'll show you the final product. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() Well, I think I figured out what's killing DS. Once the memory footprint gets over about 1.5 gigs, it flakes out :P I'll need to see if I can cut back on that somehow. |
Most likely from the 32bit ram limit imposed from not being a 64bit application.
There is an application that can hack .exe's to function with a higher limit but I don't know if that would work on Byond. The program is called "Large Address Aware". Feel free to download here: Large Address Aware Cutting back on the memory usage is also the next step! :) I'd say this has something to do with making the particles as thin as possible to reduce overhead or unneeded use of resources when you can make an effect without making it appear faded or almost invisible. |
Unless I'm completely off the mark, in which case please ignore me. I need sleep.