I thought to tell you about a game that hosts 24/7. A MMO to be exact where you create your own character, age along with having kids and creating a family, train all stats and gain intel to create technology. Space travel build houses and harvest animals and vegetables. Slaughter for food and everything else in the show including the afterlife even. It's really a fun experience and the discord is in the description of the youtube video. Everyone is pretty helpful if you have questions or want to play. Be sure to read the guide in it's channel and Join the discord the link is in the description to this video https://youtu.be/AqdZVb7Wo5Q If you're interested join the discord here https://discord.gg/FTNqyWX to find out where to download and register.
![]() Hello guys! I was packing some contents to summarize everything at once here, so check out the progression on Poke Wisteria Online! ![]() Worked on more interface element and controls overall, but mainly decided on how perks/classes will work, and be displayed through the team menu... In this example my Lapras haves surf and talking pokemon perks! ![]() Humans and pokémon have 6 perk slots, and for humans they work similar to classes, unlocking new skills and letting you build very different characters, in this example we have newbie scientist, breeder, trainer and criminal all at the same char, however this kind of build "uses up" alot of perks slots. Newbie is the first class perk, as its possible to learn in chain many others that will unlock even more gameplay and skills! ![]() We also have a relationship bar, that raises depending on how you interact with your pokémon, and pokémon can have 3 different humors, friendly, neutral and agressive, depending on your pokémon humor, you will need different methods to raise the relationship with it, for example playing with friendly pokémons will raise its relationship,while agressive pokémon will require you to do more agressive acts with them, like sparring etc. Relationship will affect the quality of that pokémon in battle, so a pokémon with great relationship can easily defeat another pokemon with double of their status without relationships; they will only raise if you have recently Roleplayed enough with your pokémon aswell! ![]() ![]() Created new pokéballs UI with unique return ray colors ![]() Created Eggs dynamics, they are organized in egg groups, and as you interact with them and raise their relationships, they can hatch, eggs are always "friendly", but are 20x easier to complete the relationship bar of an egg then it is of a real pokémon. You can also sendout and walk around with your egg for the cool rps! (PS they can't level up) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Commands and interactions are pretty intuitive, pressing space will show what type of commands you can use within that object/npc or player, these commands can change depending on your trainer classes, ranks etc, and this opens a huge variety of interaction with the world, yet being simple and clean UI-wise. Studying lets you learn and re-sort your human's skills, using the classes as a base. You can do jobs and earn money, and interact with the world around you as its expected of a rp game; ![]() ![]() Some pokémon can be used as labor-force, and explored as such! so the world isnt just about battles! you can work alongside with your pokémon and explore deeper concepts of this universe! ![]() ![]() In shops we have a very intuitive interface, and the items in stock vary depending on the products shipped around the kanto by its factory! ![]() ![]() The game lore runs in 30 years before red's adventure, during the creation of Pokémon League, a dream to change the pokémon world from an labor exploration, to creating real bounds between pokémon-humans, by sending kids around the world with their pokémons friends to develop bounds, creating all the sport-competition related to it. In the pokémon world we know, the league creation was a success, but in Wisteria it will depend on the roleplay and how the story goes! So visit this complete revision of Kanto as it should be!(ps the erp picture is a joke, erp wont be allowed) If you are interested to know more, join our discord! https://discord.gg/MGhhsfx And twitter! https://twitter.com/rp_poke |
Added some more sound effects for the Plasma caster. Each little splatter of excess plasma now creates sizzling sounds as it burns the environment. Machinegun impacts now have ricochet audio and visual effects. Also, thanks to GreatPirateEra's suggestion: Night Vision! |
Very baby project, still feeling out how the game is going to look when it's done. Please tell me about all the bugs you find!!! I really want to improve my coding |
Wisteria's first test was great! fount and fixed alot of details and moved on toward more and more interesting features!
![]() Such as newbie criminals now can extract valuable items from KOd pokémons, injuring them badly, being able to damage permanently entire habitats if they aren't stopped, even making pokémons extincts in that area; Those items can be turned into great profit if taken to a criminal leader/big villain ranked player, they have access to a shady area on the internet that can comercialize every kind of strange items; they can also use it at their own/stolen pokémon, however this increase the pokémon's death risk... so cruel... After the test was over I could move on to more core related features such as the post-processings/light, filters, dusts etc; https://gyazo.com/5eab91120ea3c8f04156309b461f1036 And Pokémon ofc can be used as source of light, by using the Flash perk, their light will vary depending on their level and types! https://gyazo.com/75409ba31143e7b16e775f951ec078d1 ![]() Also moved on to define our days/night cycle, and basically 1 real life day = 2 ingame days, having 4 different days phases/lights setttings that can be customized later ingame aswell, however each day phase leasts 3 hours, and some pokémon may be resting on specific day phases! they are: dawn, day, twilight, night. And, we have custom interior phases, that can also define pokémon behavior for example some caves have "Darkness" settings, and will be nearly impossible to navigate without proper light source. ![]() Also created a very important pokémon design thing, yeah, ledges. https://gyazo.com/60287debc7f37dd93212d79221744417 And, improved alot our pokemon/trainer following AIs for better gameplay controls https://gyazo.com/7328333db36a4865865099786ff0172e You can also Ride pokémons to bypass ledges! https://gyazo.com/83466b13f8f2a6c4d9e02558c4b7dd95 Also moved on to create Miltank, since I was working with some new interactions for our moves database, now we have rollout, and milk drink will also heal the pokemon you are facing! very usefull for long adventures! https://gyazo.com/e2135ec47d2632bd416f5a89cf4b1100 Also created Pallet's farm, where Mother Oak runs some business of milk exporting, she may end up taking care of some people's pokémon for extra income! ![]() And you can always visit the pokémons you deposited! https://gyazo.com/056b080aaac5778d79f7cd36e7cfa41f Keep up with our devlog by joining our discord! https://discord.gg/MGhhsfx |
Finally another update! I've been working a H U G E project for my day job, one big enough that I actually have my own office now as a result of my success (I think?). That's caused a bit of slowdown (okay, a LOT of slowdown) to my normal update schedule but I also blame coder's block for that! So, here's the simple format of the updates: Implemented Responsive Decals Implemented Transform Repository Implemented Teams Implemented Atmosphere Blocks Implemented Atmosphere penalties Implemented Gravity Blocks Implemented Weapon Appearance Implemented Weapon Limits Implemented Weapon Pickups Increased Plasma Caster Damage Added SFX for Weapons hitting surfaces Fixed some Beam Rifle effects not appearing properly Changed how AI targets players and other AI I noticed none of that stuff really does a lot for getting the game to a functional and playable state beyond perhaps the Team structure, but I promise a lot of it was very easy to implement and was necessary for the future of the game! So, I'd like to describe the how and the why for some of this stuff. First off: "Responsive decals? What's that?" I don't really know what it's called by, I have some environmental details (the cables hanging from the ceiling) and they react to the player's (and enemies) actions. These took me a while to implement as I had to create an entire new set of behaviors for their interaction but I pulled it off and it adds a good deal of character to the world. Next, Transform Repository: This is an internal thing that's primarily meant for efficiency. Essentially, whenever an object was created in the game, it ran through some steps to generate "key frames" for its animations or transforms. This isn't a big deal for a handful of objects but when hundreds can be created per second, it can start to bog things down! The repository shifts all that processing over to a process at the loading of the game world which performs the task once for each permutation and is accessed later on. There's some other efficiency gains in the background that were made, primarily with collision skipping checks on non-dense objects waaaay earlier in the collision process. Atmosphere and Gravity blocks are the fiery pipe and the giant metal block respectively. These are meant to block players from accessing areas unless they flip the right switches like in the video. With the right configuration, a simple task can become much more complex and when there's dangerous creatures wandering the Idaho, it makes things much trickier! Atmosphere penalties were finally implemented for the player as well. Without air in the current room, the player is unable to run or "super jump" as the rebreather in their suit kicks in and provides enough clean air to live, but not enough to do more serious activity. Weapons now show up on the players' back as they're picked up and, well, you can pick them up! Weapons can now be found in the game world and picked up and swapped out as you please. By default, a single player can hold up to four weapons. The more players join the game, the less they have access to. This is to make single player slightly less painful compared to co-op play. Finally, Teams. The teams system is a setup that I got together primarily for multiplayer but I realized I could use it to emulate factions for single-player and co-op. Enemies can now fight each other based on faction. Makes for a bit more interesting gameplay where you could pit enemies against one another! There's some smaller details like fixing bugs and balancing some of the weapons (the Plasma Caster was horrendously underpowered) but that's the gist of it for now. It's a relatively big update compared to the last one but I've had a lot of time to put it together, even with the slow downs. See you in the next one! |
Hey everyone! =)
It's that time of year again, October, the month of binging slasher movies and hoarding discount candy. It's also the month I made a project of mine, Beware of the Weredude for a GIAD a few years ago. I've been working on the project every year since it's GIAD debut, some years more then others, but have picked it up recently and have been getting a lot of development done. There will be a public test or two this October on the week of the 11th-17th and I'd love for as many people as possible to checkout. Please join the discord if you'd like to join in on the fun or keep up with the project: https://discord.gg/zWFKaGj For those of you that have played the game previously, the new update will have new... * AI creatures * Mechanics (Scavenging, Downed States, hopefully a new effects system) * Items * Playable Characters (3 in total, all very unique) * Weredudes (3 to choose from now, instead of 1) * And a Map with a very different game mode Here is a sneak peak at one of the new Weredudes, the Wereraccoon. If you think his climbing looks fun, just wait until you see his abilities. ;) ![]() |
Hey everyone! I'm trying to post regular updates of Beware of the Weredude, but also coordinate public test runs via Discord.
We'll be running tests this weekend (starting this Friday at 8pm EST) and the more the merrier when it comes to play testers, please hop in the discord if you'd like to itch that spooky game fix for October! https://discord.gg/zWFKaGj Also, here's a sneak peak at a new character. Herself and two other characters will be making their debut during one of the play tests this weekend! Their map, the Suburbs is new map which a new game mode and cast of characters which all never before played! ![]() The Barista, definitely not one to try and race with. Her high speed and espresso team speed boost make her hard to keep up with, not to mention she can drop pots of coffee to make a fire wall between you and her. Did I mention she lays land mines of hot coffee splats? Weredude beware, don't run into this lass blindly. |
![]() ![]() vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Try it here: http://files.byondhome.com/Kozuma3/Paranoieew.zip ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
That portion gets mostly cut off so I didn't focus too much on it. I've done a bit more work and here's what it looks like so far from both your and other players' perspectives: https://imgur.com/a/TRoSmTE |
Added Scaffolds, Ladders, and Ramps, in that order of difficulty to get working!
Also featured are some updated/added sounds and effects. Machine gun graphics have been updated/improved. Plasma Caster actually has some audio to it now, but needs some more for projectile impacts.
There's also some more previews of the Power and Atmosphere control panels and their effects. Power panel still needs some audio to it though (along with a few other weapons). Something I want to add for the beam weapon is to use the globs from the plasma caster and cast red ones off from where the beam hits. I think it'd be cool.
Oh, and a new cursor! This one isn't based on the mouse which allows me to do some effects with it. I think I'll go Halo-style and have a different cursor for each weapon type.
Some things that need fixing currently: Door layers are off as they're not supposed to be above adjacent walls. I think I can do some alpha mask filter stuff to get that working properly. Finally, the cursor can be hit by enemies which has some kooky results, bullet impacts for the machinegun are way off (hit detection is fine but the visual effect is wrong) and the Slugger enemy doesn't properly flash when damaged.