My week time limit is up. Didn't get as much done as I would have liked. Major things I didn't get finished:
1. some kind of round structure with ready up/start/finish/summary.
2. enemy AI.
3. procedural/random maps.
4. General environmental and soldier art assets.

A video of the end state is here.
Code is an unoptimized under-designed trainwreck but if anyone is interested it's on Github.
In response to Kozuma3
Kozuma3 wrote:

Runescape? Dope
I wish we could downvote posts.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
I wish we could downvote posts.

of course you do.
Well, the trash post I'm referring to—which was essentially just a vague list of hypothetical features formatted as DM code—is gone now. It looks different without context.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
I wish we could downvote posts.

-1 ;)
In response to Crazah
The logo is definitely far from Zete's best work; especially the "Call" portion. The two fonts next to each other clash in a really weird way.
Crafting system is finished, items can be combined in any order.

In response to Kozuma3
@Poplava: Hahah I have to say your observational skills are amazing, may I add when it comes to boobs especially? :P
You're right though. I should make her look more like a Goddess than some peasant with saggy boobs.

As of now I have restarted revamping the art of FART. Time to get this shit everywhere.

  • Click to Dismiss
  • Simple substitution
  • Queue

In response to Kumorii
Kumorii wrote:

What drugs are you on?

EDIT: Creep. :(

EDIT2: I read it in Annie's voice from League of Legends.
In response to YURIRAMOS
  • Click to Dismiss
  • Simple substitution
  • Queue

  • another flop
In response to LixoCompleto
Provavelmente, mas é sempre divertido passar alguns minutos ou horas pensando. Ainda mais dessa vez que aprendi a usar MySQL, Javascript, Ajax, api do google, api do paypal, usar linux, usar cURL, etc. Seu nome combina com você.

English: Some Brazilian (I know because of the user) who created an account today afraid to use the real account. So the answer is in Portuguese above.
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