A game of choices and simulation that you are a village and can control until 10 pixel ninjas at the same time and use a lot of jutsus on the pvp.
Whats happens when you combine Naruto with Age of Empire with Reigns? A
![]() A game of choices and simulation that you are a village and can control until 10 pixel ninjas at the same time and use a lot of jutsus on the pvp. |
Whats happens when you combine Naruto with Age of Empire with Reigns? Double the C&D double the fun? |
Ter13 wrote:
Whats happens when you combine Naruto with Age of Empire with Reigns? I said Naruto? Oops, I mean Ninja. But in the case of Age of Empire and Reigns are pure inspiration. |
Albro1 wrote:
Don't try to be sneaky, that's totally the Leaf Village Hokage building. The actual art is mere conceptual. |
Albro1 wrote: IDGAF. At least you aren't making your troops punch logs to level up. |
Ter13 wrote:
YURIRAMOS wrote: ![]() |
I've been a little quiet, which I feel really guilty about after receiving the free membership a couple weeks ago. I don't really have any excuse, though I'll try to blame it on the 20 hours of overtime and the 2 month old daughter ;)
I've added the wildling track (shown top-right), which goes up when certain cards are drawn, and dictates the strength of the wildling attacks. I've also added three Dominance tokens: you can see the Valyrian Steel Blade on the bottom right HUD. My opponents have the Raven and the Iron Throne. ![]() I've added NPC garrisons to defend neutral lands. ![]() And I've added ports, so that you can muster ships even when false kings raid your seas. ![]() |
Hi all, haven't posted on here for a long time but I've been working on and off on various things. Last weekend I decided to make a game over the course of a couple days (which I did, but it required a further week of testing..!)
This is what I came up with: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() http://www.byond.com/games/Rayjt9/ThePrisonersDilemma (i also threw a website together for it with a bit more info at http://rayjt9.weebly.com ) The main goal is to get 100 points by chatting with other players and deciding whether or not to betray them. If you've ever played the Zero Escape series you'll know the drill. The code is probably kind of janky - my day job is a pixel artist for a games company so coding anything beyond the basics is a bit of a stretch for me..! Speaking of which the art in this is a little iffy - it's all pretty much placeholder stuff at the moment. Still, I'd welcome any and all feedback and criticism! (Not sure if this is the place for it since it's technically released, but it is still very much a work in progress.) EDIT: Also I played it a bunch over the last few hours and a lot of the time was spent searching for a second player. If anyone has any ideas or advice for either how the game could work with just one person, or how to attract more folk to play it, I'm all ears! :) |
Ter13 wrote:
I love your pixel work, Rayjt9. Shit's simple and gorgeous. Thanks Ter13, that's super kind of you to say! I'm still trying to figure out a style that works for the atmosphere I'm wanting but it'll get there. Kaiochao wrote: I !ally'd exclusively and died very quickly. Oh nooo hahaha. Maybe the permadeath mechanic is a little unforgiving. It might be worth reconsidering. |
![]() Still working out a major problem with the way I'm handling knockback. Currently the swimming controlgraph for the player works fairly well, but I just implemented bouyancy in the physics simulation, so I'll likely be changing how swimming works a fair bit. This will make swimming down less drastically faster than swimming up. Jumping needs some work, but I'm not going to mess with it further until I hammer out the input tracker. Currently the system doesn't consume inputs to mark them as processed, so jumping can sometimes trigger in weird situations where you don't really want it to refire a held jump. I also need to implement partial pixel velocity preservation so that I can lower the air control speed without making it just as fast as in-water motion. The player can currently manage to jump about 8 tile horizontal gaps, and I need to bring that down to about 6 without powerups. Player control bypasses physics in almost all scenarios, which makes the control feel really good, but it does not allow me to do things like slippery or sticky floors currently. Knockback is a problem because it is a constant velocity for a short period of time. I have no way to cancel it early or redirect it without causing some problems later on. I need to figure out a way to handle knockback velocity better than the current model. It also heavily affects floor friction for the duration. Tick subscription will need a small revamp later to allow objects to wake and sleep dynamically, reducing processing load for areas not currently active. I also need to work out a way to subscribe objects in a region to revert themselves to default after the player leaves. I have no clean means of doing this at this time, so I'll have to look into this more deeply. I'd like to add climbable areas, turfs, and objects soon. The algorithm has been somewhat difficult to figure out, but I'm confident I can figure it out. I'll have to switch jumping from W to Spacebar when climbing is implemented. Overall, this little thing has been a refreshing, fast-paced distraction from my megaproject's artwork. Also have done a lot of composition over the last two months in trying to learn music. This guy's probably gonna make its way into one of the two games before long: https://soundcloud.com/terrey-west-310012988/deliberate |
Ter13 wrote:
This looks stunning! I'd love to see a new BYOND Platformer lib. F_A's lib is getting old and Id love to see your take on this!! MakItHappenPlz |
F_A's lib always had some issues with ramps and such.
@Ter: in my game, I have two different friction coefficients for normal movement and for knockback. So when knockback occurs, the velocity is just set to the knockback vector (instead of accelerating along the knockback vector), and the physics uses the knockback friction coefficient for the duration of the knockback. Perhaps this sort of model might be easier to tweak. In this model, being knocked back does not stop additional knockbacks or accelerations from occuring when a knockback is in effect. |
@Ter that looks so good! Those sort of graphics are right up my alley. Also loving the music. You really nailed the catchiness of the music from the NES era. Hope the project comes out so I can play it!
I love that the little fish just float to the surface and bob around after you kill them. Now that's fishing... :P
Looks great Ter. Looking forward to it. |
Ter13 wrote:
Just beautiful. |
Buildings on maps can now be entered and have fully mapped interiors! Also been experimenting with destructive environment pieces. So far they work flawlessly! Sections of fences and even walls can now be blown up to access hidden areas or even unlock new portions of the map. Will be expanding on these mechanics further!