Cursed Luck

by DanteVFenris
Cursed Luck
A story about the unluckiest man alive

Poll: What you think of starting with all classes?

awsome! 23% (4)
hate it! 41% (7)
It will be for the best. 29% (5)
Funner. 5% (1)

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So I've now decided to make all classes available from the start. My hope was to make some classes rarer and people feel rewarded to get their. However by the looks of things people prefer just to start off with them. I also realize as a new game I can't restrict players off the bat as they might not give it the patience.

So bam all classes are now pickable from the start
Maybe you should give every key 1 class to avoid that people remake. After every wipe the key gets a new class.
In response to Blackstar1134
Ideally wipes wouldn't exist. My new system is different from last time you played. You just choose the specific class now. I don't mind if people want to remake as well.
Tip of advice, avoid negative poll options. I like the originality of the classes tho :D
In response to Kozuma3
Yea I know that. Im going to get 1 of the two things happen to me.

1. Trolls

2. Other developers that are jealous of my 2 player population

So I don't pay it to much mind. Anyway thank you :)
In response to DanteVFenris
No problem, keep up the great work :)
Yea Good luck :)