![]() Oct 31 2002, 10:27 am
Which is the prefered CPU of y'all?
um What is meant by this post?Am I missing a joke or is this meant as an insult.I am a little slow today.
Mellifluous wrote:
I have been told that AMD are faster than Intel... I don't know who told you that but AMD hasn't been faster than Intel in a long time if at all. But AMD processors perform far better. They handle more operations per clock cycle then their faster competitors. At lower clock speeds the new Pentium 4 CPUs can barely compete with their predecessos the Pentium IIIs. So you can get a slower AMD Athlon XP to run applications better than a P4 running 200 MHz or more faster. |
I believe the purpose of this post was just to get an opinion from the BYOND population. Similair to someone asking about what is their favorite song or some such.
Soccerguy13 wrote:
this?:What don't you unnderstand about that!?! ::condescending sigh:: Let me break it down for you. "AMD owns your mother" your mother belongs to AMD. "Twice" doubly even "For Breakfast" This kind of has the meaning of 'It is the first thing done in the morning and thus the whole day' "And likes it" She loved being owned for breakfast twice, It falls under that sexually innuendo (hope that is the right word) thing. At least that is what I think that statement means. It is commonly used to say something is good and insult you at the same time. Happens all of the time. |
As of right now between Intel P4 and the AMD(Advanced Micro Devices) Athon XP, I would go with the P4. However when the AMD Claw Hammer is released I will recommend it over the p4 (because it is next gen). I can’t say anything about the P5 yet through as I know nothing about it.
P4- runs at 32 bits Faster clock Speed more bandwidth safeguard form overheating overall better performance more $$ AXP- runs at 32 bits just broke the 2 giz clock speed with +2600 less bandwidth in +2000 series No safeguard form overheating less $$ Future tech (early next year) Intel p4 3 giz- Runs at 32 bits new chip system increasing performance by 30% by acting like 2 processor in one. (free upgrade, chip was always there) last P4 will be the 3.6 or 3.8 (max P4 can handle) no information on P5 is known yet. AMD Claw Hammer- (will be in the athon series) runs at 64 bits, acting as a 32 bit. starts at 1.6 giz clock speed bandwidth same as Intel will compete with P4 closing the performance gap. more $$ |
Overall, Intel processors tend to perform a little better--they have higher clockspeeds and whatnot (yes, I'm aware that's not the only measure of speed). However, AMD has a much better price/performance ratio. So while you'll have a slightly better computer to go with Intel, you'll save more buying an AMD. It all depends on what you want: if I were building a personal computer (and I am, slowly), I'd get an AMD (and I will). If I were building a big server (which I'm not), I'd get an Intel processor.
-AbyssDragon |
I got an Intel P 3 and i like it better than my friends Amd but i think its just because he has a bunch of problems. He can't run games that he supposivly should be able to. But its probally just his computer :p
I'll stick with Motorola and Alpha processors - more bang for your buck (sometimes)! Besides, my Handspring Visor runs a 33Mhz Motorola Dragonball processor! Ha!
At one brief point the G3/G4 series of processors were kicking AMD and Intel`s butt - *but* it was a very short-lived lead. Personally I'm waiting for technical details about an upcoming G5 processor... should be sweet! |
At one brief point the G3/G4 series of processors were kicking AMD and Intel`s butt - *but* it was a very short-lived lead. Personally I'm waiting for technical details about an upcoming G5 processor... should be sweet! Bah but you have to deal with that Big Endian notation! |
Theodis wrote:
Bah but you have to deal with that Big Endian notation! Big/Little Endians - never bothered me in the past! Left that to the OS (which is now Linux as of late) and supporting applications so I don't have to worry about it... |
digitalmouse wrote:
I'll stick with Motorola and Alpha processors - more bang for your buck (sometimes)! Besides, my Handspring Visor runs a 33Mhz Motorola Dragonball processor! Ha! Reportedly the G5 hasn't been upcoming for some time; Motorola isn't going to continue to support Apple, and the news is that Apple's moving over to IBM. IBM will produce the next Apple chip, but the G5 isn't going to see the light of day. Problem is, Motorola's been hemhorraging money, but its semiconductor division is a 3-artery bleeder. According to the loosest possible accounting rules they could afford to use, that division was killing them, but accorting to generally accepted accounting principles the picture is even worse: Most of their divisions are in the red, but the semiconductor division is leaking like the Titanic. One of the blog sites I read has followed both Motorola and Apple in this. Recent changes to the Mac, for instance, delivered a minor speedup but still work with a fairly bottlenecked system bus; it's a fairly desperate measure, but all that was available to eke out some more speed, and the reason it was done is that the dream of the G5 is rapidly fading. Motorola really can't afford to produce the G5 for Apple, because Apple (even if it were to gain huge overnight increases in market share) could never demand the volume to make it affordable. From what I understand, the G5 exists now only as a prototype, and there's zero work going into scaling up production for mass output. Apple's response to this has been to try to get the most speedup it can right now (as I read it, they're kind of locked into a bad design path on the motherboards and they're incapable of moving forward to a faster bus right away), and hope to stay competitive in anticipation of getting something out of IBM. But that next chip will be 2 years or so down the road, at which time Intel will have produced whatever they'll call the 80986, and AMD will have a comparable speed monster. Whether IBM will produce something at a similar level remains to be seen; if they can, and if Apple can build the hardware to capitalize on it, then they might recover. But the G5 is pretty darn dead. A lot of people just haven't read the obits yet. Lummox JR |
Lummox JR wrote:
But the G5 is pretty darn dead. A lot of people just Aw...well, there goes my hopes and dreams. If it comes down to Intel vs. AMD - I'll jump ship to AMD, since Alphas don't really hit the general-public consumer market - focusing mostly on business solutions... |
Well, seing as I have only ever used Intel Pentium, I would have to go with these, yet, on the other hand... I have been told that AMD are faster than Intel so if I was to choose either I would more than likely go for an AMD.
But I would rather stick with Intel for now unless they give me some stupid reason as to hate them, then I would more or less switch CPUs ;)