I've also noticed that "something" has an "e" in it.
In response to Garthor
Along the same vein, "notcie" is supposed to be "notice"...lol

But picking on someone for innocent typos isn't really necessary...
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
The thing about things on the internet is that people
won't see them unless you link to them in a prominent
. Hell, for my first few months I didn't even
KNOW there was a FAQ!

Ha! You contradicted your own advice, considering that 'FAQ' is a prominent link in the left column of this website.. =p
In response to digitalmouse
See, i never actually went to the forums, when i found byond cause i thought byond was a dead program. When i found out that byond was really big, i asked a couple of questions politely and i never yelled it anyone. Now i think im quite experienced in byond.
In response to Mrhat99au
Hey, useless post but you made this MrHat key on my birthday!

In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
Ha! You contradicted your own advice, considering that 'FAQ' is a prominent link in the left column of this website.. =p

*smacks himself around the head* Now why didn't I notice that before??? (I'm serious, I didn't notice it...)
In response to Kusanagi
Heheh, cool
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