I do agree there are many people willing to help the newbies, it is just in my past experience that I haven't even gotten a reply. When first started off I was always nice like 'hi, whats going on?' and thats still how I am but I would still not get a reply, but in conclusion I would have to say its just some people that aren't the helping kind. When someone, like my neighboor asks me to send him coding, even though he is one of my friends I have to disagree with him, now I know that the reason if a newbie asks for somthing in the manner of 'hey send me coding please so I can make a game' than I honor that the person bening asked for the coding isn't going to reply but a civilized way to start it off like 'hi man what you been up to' than I don't see any reason why they shouldn't get not even the slightest reply.
MajinRaditz wrote:
When someone, like my neighboor asks me to send him coding, even though he is one of my friends I have to disagree with him,

why? personally i like to keep a backup of my source codes on a different computer, i have had mine crash and i have lost everything. But luckily i have kept a old version on a friend who lives down my road, this is because i trust that guy to keep it safe. That is why it *can* help to have it kept on a close friends computer too