My dog may only be 12 inches tall, and only 13 pounds, but he is a vicious little bastard. Instead of mans best friend to me he is more like mans worst enemy. When I get home instead of being greated with licks and tail wags, I'm greeted with bites. Most of the time I have to run away from him and hide on tables and chairs, and other times I'm not so lucky and I get cornered and attacked. But still he is a cool dog, he does like attacking me but there is more of a lovable side to him, this tribute is to you Winston. And also to my mix breed dog of a half lab. half rott. Bandit, for whom died 2 years ago from a tomber, I will always remember you Bandit, you were a great companion.

In Loving Memory of Bandit 1989-2000

*crys* -Joey
I forsee another person like Siientx posting random thoughts or today "I went to school" messages.