Did you nkow once one person maeks a good game everyone copies

And when someone is mad they pretend they are good game makers and hackers?
Yeah, I think you are right.
An example of that is Dragon Ball Zeta, there are like tons of versions of that, i now can think of 5.
<font color = red> <font size = 3> Did you *know* that you spelled know wrong and *makes* is also spelled wrong. But I do not pick on people for little typos, I have them myself. ^_^
In response to Unknown Person
Raditz THATS INSULTING and did you know some people just like to rip hack and stuff
Such truth I have never heard on byond, People will take games like Genesis Zeta DWOchat Animchat all those and remake them saying stuff like ''Its Completely remade!! my game!!'' I am the only person (other than corlon) to have CPA he gave me it to keep on updating (in process) but anyway someone found out and they kept harassing me, offering me dimes, and in the end threatend to hack me, (NOT ALL OF YOU ONLY 1 PERSON OUT OF THE SMALL GROUP THAT WANTED IT), This is a big problem Aznhero good thing yeh put that up so now people will notice it more..
In response to Sagu
most trhings i say is true ya know
In response to Aznhero
Yes, bad bad people.
In response to Sagu
Sagu wrote:
People will take games like Genesis Zeta DWOchat Animchat all those

It's not nescacarly(sp) good games that get ripped off, it's popular ones.
Aznhero wrote:
Did you nkow once one person maeks a good game everyone copies

Yeah, I know what you mean. We're stuck with all those Lode Wars and Lexiconomy clones floating around, and what's the deal with those QuickStep rip-offs?

And when someone is mad they pretend they are good game makers and hackers?

I don't think the people you're referring to actually count as someones.

Lummox JR