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Apparently this is real. It's up at as well.
Nov 14 2002, 4:21 am
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
Apparently this is real. It's up at as well. If you click on the caption under the photo, it will blow up fairly large... that may help. What you should see is that quite a bit of his nose is missing, and there is loose skin hanging around the area. |
In response to Skysaw
If you click on the caption under the photo, it will blow up fairly large... that may help. What you should see is that quite a bit of his nose is missing, and there is loose skin hanging around the area. Ack! Poor bastard. And just last night I was muttering to myself about him having two songs in Vice City where the Human League only has one. I guess I'll stop holding it against him now. |
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
And just last night I was muttering to myself about him having two songs in Vice City where the Human League only has one. I guess I'll stop holding it against him now. Heh, Sorry to go off-topic here Skysaw... What was the first song you heard in GTA: Vice City, Gughunter? Mine was; Micheal Jacksons: Billy Jean. Anyway, back on the topic, nice notification on the loose skin dangling from the center of the tip of his nose. But, to be quite honest, he has really and truly messed up his looks now. I just don't see why he had to go through all of this surgery because all it has done for him is make it look worse. He used to look like a guy, whereas now, he not only looks like a guy but he also looks part woman too. The lower half of his face being of a masculine look. The top half being of a femanine look. To see this; put one of your fingers so it covers his nose. IE; --------------------- Forehead Eye brows Eyes Finger ------------> Upper lip Lower lip Chin --------------------- Hope that is a goo enough example :-\ --Lee | 3 months ago a local radio station has on a sort of celebrity "spy" and they always put out these stories about people...appearantly the one about michael jacksons nose falling off is true...and justin timberlake did have sex with brittany spears..
In response to Gughunter
he made those songs while he was still black
My work PC only shows 256 (give or take 250) colors and at that level of detail, the picture doesn't look particularly shocking to me. Is there anything in particular I should notice, aside from what seems to be a pretty scraggly goatee?