In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Exactly.There is no AF.Atleast not an official one...There probably is one that little kids made.2d characters doing
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
You forgot DragonBall 95, DragonBall NT, DragonBall 98,
DragonBall 2000, DragonBall ME, and DragonBall XP.

And (my favorite): Handspring Visor PDAs run a 33Mhz Motorola *DragonBall* processor!
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
movie 13 or 14, when he's fighting fat buu in otherworld.
This question has alot of reasonable answers... Why? Because Zeta is the last letter in quite a few languages,... Take Spanish, for example, Zeta is indeed the last letter it its alphabet. It is also the last letter in several other languages, but originally it may have had some Latin or Greek ties, since Spanish is one of the Romance languages (English is a Germanic language).
In response to Ter13
Movie 13 is the last DBZ movie... 14 doesn't exist...

Movie 13 is the Dragonfist Attack movie... Gogeta never appears...

Please don't argue with me over DBZ facts...
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