Something odd just happened, one of my "mod-mates" or classmates as any normal person would call them walked by and asked what this site is because he "sees everybody on this site". Is there somebody from Coleman College in La Mesa on BYOND? If so who? I'd like to meet them sometime, perhaps the mystery person is in my class I have already met them....
~Das Falke
Nov 20 2002, 12:33 pm
Nov 20 2002, 12:35 pm
He probably sees everyone on message boards you n00b. What we need is to see people out there with BYOND t-shirts and hats and stuff, then we will know.
In response to DerDragon
DerDragon wrote: n00b... Now that was a bit un-called for I think. The poster asked a legitimate question - there was no need to be insulting. I, for one, am glad to see that more people are starting to take notice of BYOND... |
In response to digitalmouse
Haha, this guy is my mapper, I know him personally.
In response to digitalmouse
I advertise every wednesday.I wear my shirt to school.
In response to DerDragon
DerDragon wrote:
Haha, this guy is my mapper, I know him personally. You mean your ex-mapper? Did you even think that I would have asked the guy the same thing? I should delete m3s5 right now! |