In response to Siientx
I use my computer way too much and I have never done that. Mainly because I have a mind of my own, and I don't express my emotion with acronyms.
When you start writing your science notes in DM code.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
When you call new co-workers/students "newbies".

When you take your Blue Book to reading class.

When you think up code consepts in your sleep, just to relize you can't remember in the morning.

Its sad because I've taken my Blue Book to reading class, in fact I take it with me everywhere..
In response to Mertek
From July 15th 'till now... on AIM, you've said LOL about 73 times. (I only searched for "[mertek's screen name]: LOL")
In response to Siientx
Beleive me ive probably done this more than you.
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